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The third gong resounded just when you sat down in your seats. You felt relieved when you sat down, knowing that there is no way back. Sarah was still holding your hand "Better?" she asked. "Yeah, thank you" you smiled at her. "I love you" she leaned forward and kissed you.

The ceremony started, and there were already lots of winners and losers, naturally. Your category was mercilessly coming.

"The nominees for outstanding lead actress in a limited series or movie." It was here, in your category. You haven't felt more nervous ever in your life, Sarah was mashing your hand. The trailers ran so fast that you barely blinked. "Please welcome, the announcer of this category, two times academy award winner, Emma Thompson." you didn't care if you win or lose now, you just wanted all the cameras of your face. You were smiling as much as your nervousness let you.

"Good evening, I am beyond honored to be the announcer of this category, but I don't want to torture you any longer, so let's see..." she starts opening the letter. All you could've to hear was your heartbeat, you even couldn't feel the pain, caused by Sarah's nails, that was cutting deeper and deeper into your skin.

"and the Emmy goes to y/n y/l/n" Emma said exited. You gasp, covering your mouth, tears immediately running down your face and Sarah starts hugging you "oh my god, you won, y/n you won" she stands up with you and kisses you. You're in such a shock, can't believe what just happened. You walked threw the aisle while people were shaking your hand, hugging and kissing you on the cheeks. You didn't even care who they were, you just knew that you need to walk to the stage, and surprisingly you did.

Someone helped you up the stairs to the stage. And up there was Emma smiling and waiting for you right away you walked up the stairs. "Congratulations, sweetie!" she shakes your hand and hugs you tightly "I knew you were gonna win" she whispers to your ear. And at that moment you finally got your senses back. All the nervousness, stress, and fear. You felt so lucky and happy.

"Thank you," you said smiling and taking the award from Emma when she released your hug. You hold each other's hand and she walked with you to the microphone. When you reached the microphone she let your hand go, you turned to her and smiled, and she smiled back and nodded.

You turned to the microphone looking into the audience. Suddenly you didn't feel any nervous at all. You truly smiled, and squeezed the award in your hands, releasing what is going on and thinking about what to say, tears of happiness started running down your cheeks.

"I-" you bite your lip. "I can't thank enough, my friends, colleagues, and family, I would never stand here without your help and support. I am also looking into the faces of my idols, that has been my biggest inspiration and fuel since I was a little girl. And I am so grateful to the crew, that gave me such an amazing home and memories from the set." You smile and look down at the award seeing the tears falling. "I have to look horrible" you chuckle and carefully wipe your tears. "Sarah Cathrine Paulson, thank you, I can't pay you back in a lifetime for everything you've already done for me. I love you, you make me feel like no one else." you're looking in Sarah's direction, but can't see her face.

"Thank you" you lift the award and turn back to Emma. You walk off the stage hand in hand with her. "Beautiful speech," she says when you're off the cameras. "Oh come on, it was so basic." you laugh. "like you couldn't find beauty in basic," she says. "thank you then" you smile and bite your lip, thinking. "I think I should go" you smile. "What? Where would you go?" she holds your arm and looks into your eyes.

"I want to be there for her, see you later." you release from her grip. And head to the audience. You hurry as much as you can because her category is very close to yours.

You were very excited, so finding your seats were a very hard task for you, but after some minutes you finally found it. You sit next to Sarah, totally out of breath. "Hey" you whisper with a shy smile. "I'm so proud and happy, honey." she kisses you on the cheek. You smile and look into her eyes with tears in your eyes and mouth "I love you". "Love you more" she mouths back. You hold her hand very tightly.

"The nominees for supporting actress in a drama series." Sarah was smiling very generously, but her nails were cutting deeper into your skin than before. You were also smiling with actual happiness. "Now, please welcome on stage Cynthia Nixon" Cynthia walks on stage. "The Emmy goes to..." she smiles "Sarah Paulson".

Sarah lets your hand go and smiles with true happiness. You both get up and hug each other "Nail it, love you" you whisper in her ear. She holds your hand and walks towards the stage, slowly letting your hand go. You are still standing and clapping as much as you can, you don't even notice the tears rolling down your cheeks.

Sarah reached the microphone squeezing the award as hard as she could to release the tension. "wow, mmmm, I have to say that I didn't expect this at all, but I'm very very grateful for it, thank you. I would also like to thank everyone from the crew, because they made everything so much easier for me and anything wouldn't be possible without them and I feel like I just skim off, for that, I am seen. Mostly of course I want to thank my dearest friend Ryan, once again, thank you, thank you, thank you for every single opportunity that you gave me and for believing in me, I love you so much. And I would also like to thank y/n, for supporting me and always making me feel worth it, I love you." and she walked off the stage with Cynthia.

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