Chapter 22: Join in

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The Greek Council is about to start to invite the fraternities to candidate themselves in the Scare Games in a few days. Everyone of the willing fraternities are ready and have their teams filled up. All except the Roar Omega Roar. They surprisingly haven't found their last champion yet. And they are already in light panic about it. If they can't find at least one monster so tough and scary to participate, they won't play in the games. And that would be true disappointment and shame for the elite fraternity. Johnny is inside his room, thinking over on his desk. Of course he needs to find someone and quickly. Of course he doesn't want to give up on his constraints to join in the fraternity. It's just so hard and there's so little time now. It frustrates him. Maybe if he lightened up the constraints just a little? But what if that random person he might choose is just another total loser and could make the team lose? Think Worthington, think.

Out of frustration, he slams his desk with a fist. That's when, at the window, he spots someone walking around the campus. It's the ten minutes break time so of course there are students wandering around. That monster.... he thought about them. He knows them. He doesn't know all of their abilities, but one thing for sure, he knows they scare and have a chance. But to say until when?.... he doesn't know. Their name isn't popular nor doesn't talk about long scare generation, but they have talent. Maybe if they could.... no. He isn't sure if they are scary enough to surpass the games.... And what would the others say if he let them in? His companions, the other students, his father.... but at the same time, he knows that they sure wanted to join in the Games so badly.... and he needs at least one more player.... Johnny stares at that monster, while they were talking with someone else. He grunts to himself after a while, a hand stroking hard on his forehead.

"It's time for change.", he says, getting up from his seat, decisive, knowing what he wants and not willing to go back.

He starts walking out of his room, knowing clearly what he'll do.


The Roar Omega Roar fraternity is gathered around the hall, Johnny standing in front of the rest of the team. He has something important to announce them to make things move forward for once.

"Gentlemen, there will be changes, here in this row, here in our fraternity. I know, this will probably trouble you at first, but trust me, you will understand.", he starts, clearing his throat up, "Sadly, we haven't found out our new and last member for the next Scare Games this season. Sadly not what we expect from them. The time is almost up. We need to move fast. So, I'll be changing up the conditions here."

The others start to look at each other.

"I've thought a lot about it, and I've come to a conclusion. I have chosen someone in particular for this affair. Do not get mad, you know who this is. And yes, again, I will take all the responsibilities for what my father might say about this.", Johnny adds.

The group of four stare at Johnny blankly for a while before realizing. They gasp.

"For real?!", they all say, shocked.

"I know.", Johnny says, his hands up and shaking at them, "Calm down now, boys."

"Do you even know if they're a pro scarer? Do you know what this will cost in this fraternity's reputation?", Chet panics, "We'll be doomed!"

"I said calm down!", Johnny says sternly, the tone raised up, "I know it sounds terrific, but I think we have arrived to a point of no choices here."

"Oh your dad will surely disapprove.", Javier says.

"So? I think I am tired of having to stay stuck on his own ways. I have grown up since a long time now. If I say some things will get changed, they will. Like I said, I'll take it all. It's okay if I have to hear him out all day long again and telling me how disappointed he is.", Johnny says seriously.

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