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•As the king of the Devildom, how could he even let you out of his sight?
•Staring at your body bathed in moonlight, a lump blocked his throat, tears silently running down his face
•Questioning if he was such a powerful and worthy ruler as he had always been told
•He couldn't even keep a human alive
His human alive
•The weeks following your death he was quiet, his usual loud facade long gone
•The Young Prince found himself lacking sleep and motivation to continue to work efficiently
•Leading to Lucifer and Barbatos, being the loving friends they are, taking on more work as to let their ruler mourn properly
•Yet without work to distract himself, he felt completely lost
•Whenever he went on midnight walks to try to clear his mind, he would always be led to you in the end
•It was as if his legs moved on their own
•And he would spend hours sobbing over you, gripping onto your headstone, muttering small apologies and "i love you's", silently hoping you'd hear him from beneath the cold ground
•Dia would definitely lose himself during the period of a few months after his loss before he would remember his duties and suddenly a switch would flip
•He would put his facade and walls back up, taking on even more work
•Only those close to him would know he was still destroyed without you by his side
•They'd hear his muffled cries from inside his office if they lingered around outside the door late enough at night, or the damp, puddles of teardrops on his paperwork would give it away
•He would also actively try to seek any possibilities within his power to bring you back:
•yet there was always nothing
•No matter how many years passed, nothing ever came up, but he'd be damned before he stopped searching
•Of course, he'd have had Barbatos check other timelines to find a good route in which you'd live peacefully with him
•To both their dismay, there was none
•And if there was a chance, it was such a small fraction of a chance it would work, and Diavolo didn't want to risk succumbing to the same fate again
•So he decided to let you rest peacefully instead of altering your reality
•Yet he would still try to be the strong leader the Devildom needed
•That you had needed
•Diavolo had already lost you, he couldn't lose his kingdom or people closest to him either

•As the king of the Devildom, how could he even let you out of his sight?•Staring at your body bathed in moonlight, a lump blocked his throat, tears silently running down his face•Questioning if he was such a powerful and worthy ruler as he had al...

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•The normally quiet and expressionless demon somehow became even more quiet and to-himself
•You had been the only person he was close to beyond a professional front, you understood him and opened up a new side to the loyal butler
•When he lost you, he lost himself
•Months following his lost, the demon would try to find a timeline in which you would survive and live happily with him:
•Yet similar to Diavolo, he couldn't find one, not even a slither of hope
•And besides, even if he could find a timeline that would work in your favour, it just wouldn't be the same you
•He wouldn't feel the same if he brought you back - so he let you rest after accepting the harsh reality that he would never have you, or anyone similar to you, again
•Barbatos strictly kept to business relationships now
•He refused to let anyone get close to him like you
•He even refused Diavolo's, Lucifer's and Solomon's help, keeping them at a safe distance now, making his intentions clear to them
•Quite frankly, his retrieval would alarm Diavolo, yet he understood and respected his butlers' boundaries
•Barbatos would keep some of your more meaningful items in a corner of his room - after your death, he dedicated a corner of his room to you
•He never wanted to forget you, he wanted to treasure you and the memories you two made together
•Photographs of you were now hung up on his walls, some of them being candids he had taken of you on your rare and intimate dates, and some of them being couples photos
•Yet the one that stood out was a professional one you two had gotten done during wedding week
•It was practically an engagement photoshoot
•And on the small table beneath the giant photograph, a velvet box remained, the white band remaining untouched inside its walls
•A ring he would keep forever and gaze at, a gaze full of regret and longing as tears slowly travelled down his face, similar to a calm river
•Oh, how he wishes he had made you his sooner
•But now it's too late, and the left side of his bed remains cold and empty for all eternity

 𝕆𝔹𝔼𝕐 𝕄𝔼 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊; 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝🦋Where stories live. Discover now