💸𝕄𝔸𝕄𝕄𝕆ℕ 𝕩 𝔾ℕ!𝕄ℂ - ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ʟᴇꜰᴛ ᴜɴꜰɪɴɪꜱʜᴇᴅ.

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You loved him almost as quickly as he had started loving you.
The way his eyes lit up when you entered a room, flashing his signature devious smile your way, making your cheeks flush.
Or maybe it was the TSL marathon that bought you two closer and closer to one another, building your bond.
Perhaps it was how he cuddled into you at night, your head buried into his chest listening to his heartbeat intently, as he very delicately drew all kinds of patterns and wrote such bittersweet words into your back with his fingertips.
Or maybe, it was how cute he acted around you, or how protective and jealous (though he'd never admit it) he got over you and how much time you'd spend with his brothers.
The list could go on and on.
You were so sure he loved you back - you started dating not too long into the program.

Right away, it was established that you couldn't demand so much time from him: you understood.
He has debts to pay off and witches who's side he must be by at the drop of a hat if summoned.
You understood, and enjoyed all the little time you guys had together.
And you understood if he had to leave urgently, if something came up, and you always gave him such a loving smile to reassure him that its fine; you trust him, he can take as long as he needs to.

But eventually, somewhere down the line, things changed.
Mammon was needed more and more by the 'greedy, good for nothing witches' as he called them.
You understood at first.
He started falling behind assignments, which took even more time away from you two.
You understood and even offered to help him study.
Mammon got himself into even more debt.
You understood and continuously lent him any money he needed.
He started slowly making up what seemed to be lame excuses as to why he couldn't go on a date, or even hang out with you.
You still understood and rationalized things - he loved you after all, right?

Luckily, you weren't the only one to notice these changes, despite trying your very best to stay positive and ignore the extremely large red flags presented before you.
Asmodeus and Beel, even Satan, had picked up on your relationship's decaying nature - it seems all the brothers and even Solomon and Simeon had noticed.
They grew worried for you.
You weren't eating as much, thoughts consumed by Mammon and maybe if you were doing something wrong.
Was I asking too much?
Did I say something?
What did I say that I shouldnt have?
Am I consuming too much of his time, maybe?
Slowly but surely, you started looking miserable.
Your face was hollow and your eyes that once sparkled are gone, dwindled down to despair and sadness.
You looked like death.

'Mc'. Asmodeus spoke, his tone low and laced with concern, yet still as delicate as ever. 'Are you okay?.'
Silence is all you gave as an answer, not knowing how you felt yourself.
Sighing, the demon lowered himself into your bed and you slowly turned your face to him.
'We all know you're not doing good - you and Mammon, we've noticed. It's really taking a toll on you, huh? Hes good for nothing, isnt he?' His arm slithered round your shoulders, bringing you into his shoulder for a hug, gently playing with strands of your hair.

'Maybe he doesnt love me as much as I thought he did, hm?' You breathed out, tears welling in your eyes as everything hit you.
'Doll, Mammon.. is despicable. Always greedy for more and more. I guess he just isnt greedy for you anymore...' Leaning back but still in Asmo's caress, you looked up at him confused, not fully understanding what he was saying.
'...Mc, I hate to be the one telling you this, but Mammon's engaging with other witches and demons for more treasures. Engaging in ways he shouldn't be. Not whilst he's still attached to you.'

For the first time in what felt like years, you sobbed.
You sobbed your heart put into Asmodeus' shoulder, not caring about who heard your cries: you felt broken. Used.
All the other brothers heard your wailing and assumed Asmo had told you just how unfaithful Mammon had become within the last few months.
It broke their heart, but not as much as yours had been shattered.

And of course, Mammon wasnt there.
He hadn't been home most nights as he was just getting wasted - staying out way later than his curfew and thus being locked out, forced to stay at another demons for the night.
But maybe that was for the best.
Because maybe, he felt too guilty to see your face, to see how you beamed at him and the adoration you held for him in your eyes.
Because he wasnt greedy for you anymore.
The fun was gone for him.

You woke up the next morning with red, puffy eyes and cheeks to match.
Asmo had fallen asleep by your side, his hands wrapped lightly around your waist as he had held you from behind.
You slowly rose and succeeded in not waking the demon: and you started packing as silently as possible.
Only necessities.
You knew Mammon wasn't home, and if you were to leave it was now: Diavolo knew this would be best for you, it took lots of convincing that night through your messenger whilst Asmo was asleep, but he agreed.
He would explain to the 6 other demons once they woke why you'd left, and send any remaining items of yours through to you in your original realm as soon as he had the opportunity to do so.

It pained you, but this was best.
Maybe, it was best to leave this chapter half read, and leave it as that for as long as it took you to recovery fully from such a heartbreak....

But you never did recover, and nor did the 6 demons.
All of them were pained, crushed that their favourite human had left so abruptly.
Diavolo forbade them from visiting you: he told them you'd return once you were better.
It was the best thing for you right now, and maybe even themselves.

Mammon was consumed by guilt, you plagued his every thought.
But not because he loved you.
But because he was too cowardly, too much of a good-for-nothing shit boyfriend who couldn't be honest with you.
He knew you wouldnt be back, and he didn't blame you.
He couldn't help but feel disappointed at the fact that closure was never given - it'll haunt him for the rest of his lengthy life span, he reckoned.
It ate him up inside, but with countless witches and demons by his side, paired with copious amounts of alcohol, he felt a burden was lifted from his shoulders.

For the rest of your mortal life, you blamed yourself.
For being too boring, for maybe being too demanding: but ultimately, blaming yourself for ever trusting a demon with your heart.
You wanted to return, to see the 6 faces of your closest friends again, but how could you?

Your chapter together was done, though only halfway through.
Your chapter was left unfinished, and it was a burden you carried for the remaining years of your life.

You left the book up on the shelf to collect dust, you told yourself it was the best for all of you collectively.

But as you're on your death bed, your mortal life coming to an end, you cant help but wonder
'What if I continued the chapter?
What if I read on to the end?'

 𝕆𝔹𝔼𝕐 𝕄𝔼 𝕆ℕ𝔼𝕊ℍ𝕆𝕋𝕊; 𝚖𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚜𝚝🦋Where stories live. Discover now