A Silver Cerberus and the Annihilation of Humanity

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Piper ran towards them, smiling. She pointed one of her swords at the nearest beast, and quickly sliced its head off. She grinned, the beasts circling her. Suddenly, she was gone. One of the beasts looked up, and the last thing it ever saw was Piper hurtling down to the Earth. She landed in front of the beast then turned away from it. Behind her, it screeched, readying itself to attack. A line of red appeared on its chest. It howled, then split in half, blood spurting up. She laughed, and swung again.
* * *
Back in the tent, snow and ice were starting to swirl around Michelle, and Lakota was standing with her dagger drawn. The wind was picking up, catching Zach's attention. He walked into the tent.
"Whoa, calm down, Elsa," Zach said. "And Lakota." He sat on the floor. "My shift's up. One of you get out there." Lakota walked out of the tent, staring daggers at Michelle.
"Aren't you mad?" Michelle asked.
"Yes, I just choose not to acknowledge it."
--------------------flash back-----------
"Damnit." I panted. Michelle stood next to me, also tired. "I can't keep fighting these beasts." I said. I had three deep slice marks on my left side, and my right eye was cut. I turned and ran.
I ran to the castle, where Queen Hannah was waiting.
"I could not find them anywhere." I said.
"You fucking idiot!" She yelled. "Can you do anything right?"
"I am truly sorry." I said as I left.
Later that night, as I was leaving for dinner, I tried to open my door, finding it locked. I instantly knew it was probably Queen Hannah, and that she would forget my existence for a while, hopefully only a few hours. Seconds turned to minutes turned to hours turned to days turned to weeks. One morning, seemingly a month or two later, I awoke, the door open, a note on the floor saying:
You are needed in the Main Hall.
I walked down to the main hall where a large group of beasts were gathered, with blood matted into the carpet. I pulled out my daggers, fire in my blood.
'These things killed EVERYONE! They will not survived me.' I sprinted forward, swinging and cutting down beasts in every swipe.
They started to fight back, trying to rake their claws across my flesh. Within seconds, they were all dead. All but two. One behind the other. They started walking towards me, then started running. One of them leaped over my head, landing behind me. I turned to fact it, knowing it was probably more dangerous. Then, everything went dark.
When I woke up-more like, came to-I was on a slab of concrete, my feet chained to the ground. Lakota stood over me, tears in her eyes.
"Farewell, Lieutenant." She said.
I noticed the sword in her hands just before she swung it down.
-------------------fb over----------------
Hannah woke with a start, shivering all over. She wasn't sure of what she had been dreaming, but whatever it had been, it had been terrifying enough to wake her. Shifting her metallic wings, the queen hauled herself out of her tent, lashing out her hands to push the tent flaps out of her way and consequently shredding one with her sharp, blood-encrusted fingernails. "Wakey wakey!" Hannah called, spreading her wings. "We have a big day ahead of us."
With a smirk, the demon watched as her companions stumbled into the opening, grumbling about how high the sun was or was not in the sky or simply blurting out whatever happened to be on their sleep-addled minds. "Remind me," Piper groaned, running a hand through her rumpled hair, "why you woke us up."
"I know Kelsey's plan," Hannah replied, carelessly knocking over Lakota with a metallic wing. "Sorry," she added insincerely to the fallen girl.
"Wait, how?" asked Zoey.
"Su connected telepathically. She's been captured by Kelsey," Hannah paused, "and Skye. But not before she overheard Kelsey's advisors formulating a plan."
"What's the plan?" Zach burst out frustratedly.
Hannah sat down, allowing her wings to settle into the dust. "Kelsey is planning on using a weapon of mass destruction to tear a hole in the fabric between dimensions, destroying both. A nuke, if you will."
Zach glared at the winged demon, growling, "How are we supposed to stop her from ending the world if she has a freaking nuke?!"
Hannah shook her head. "Fuck if I know," she sighed. "Right now, we gotta focus on rescuing Skye and Su. I don't care if Skye doesn't want to be saved. I'm her sister and it's my job. It's always been my job to take care of my pain-in-the-ass little sister, and fuck if I'm gonna give up now."
* * *
Skye relaxed in the velvet chair, sealed off to the rest of the world with no one else beside her but Kelsey. Indeed, it was Kelsey. The one who promised superiority if one were to lend their powers in return. That's what was wanted in this situation. Kelsey laid her head in Skye's lap, and they watched the orb together. Skye watched her friends stumble out of their tents yet again, feeling a tug in her gut. What was this? Why did watching these.....humans.....make her feel weird? Kelsey saw Skye's distraught and began to comfort her, standing up and walking behind her to brush her hair.
"What irks you, my Queen? Are you not satisfied with what you have done? Perhaps, we need to activate weapon B-12. Will that satisfy you?" Kelsey continued to brush out the knots in Skye's long black hair.
"Perhaps. Perhaps I shall. Kelsey, activate B-12 and begin our plan immediately. I'm tired of waiting." Skye straightened her back, and rose from her chair. Kelsey knelt and bowed in respect.
"As you wish, my Queen." She pulled out her book of spells and began to chant words at the orb. Her words began to manifest and curl around the sphere, then blasted into it. Skye turned away, letting her hair bounce a little, then walked over to the window. With one shove, she opened the translucent window and peeked out, feeling the moonlight on her cold skin. Kelsey smirked behind her back, and began to switch her words to something darker, more diabolical.
* * *
The group packed up their tents and began their march to the newly revived castle once again.
"I spy.......something green!" Lakota exclaimed.
"Is it the moon?" Michelle and Zach replied dully.
"How do you guys keep guessing this right?!"
Hannah face palmed, but tried to keep calm about Lakota's idiocy. She dimly smiled at Zoey for help. Zoey nodded in response.
"Hey Lakota, why don't we play the silent game? I bet you can't beat me! I'm the best!" Zoey slowed down to catch up with Lakota.
"Your on!"
Hannah sighed. Quiet once more. She stretched out her wings, jumped off the ground, and flew above the trees, up high so she couldn't hear her group. Everything about being in the air and off her feet felt amazing. The wind blew perfectly through her sharp wings, making them twitch a little, and the faint breeze through her hair was refreshing from the noise of today.
"Zaaaaaane! What are you doing?!" Screamed Lakota. Zane pulled out a dagger, held her in a head lock and aimed the weapon at her throat. His eyes were neon red and the red string around his ankles had snapped.
"I'm obeying my masters commands. Executing plan B-12 and retrieving the seal. Hand over the short one." Zane motioned over to Piper. Piper flamed.
"SHORT?! WHO ARE YOU CALLING SHORT? WHY I OUTTA-" her eyes turned silver and she pulled out two swords. Red stepped in front, Excalibur in hand protecting her.
"You'll have to go through me first!" As he charged his blade turned silver. Bringing the sword over his head, he began to swing. Zane snapped his fingers and Red was pushed back. He snapped his fingers again, and manifested red string, like the one on is ankle. Knocking Lakota out and drooping her on the ground, he dashed towards Red and wrapped a red string around his neck. Red struggled, then went limp. Zane pointed at Zach and Michelle, who had their blades drawn and ready to attack.
"Take them out and cover me." Red nodded, and charged with an excalibur in each hand. Zane turned back to Piper, who was missing.
"Curses...." He began take out a device and scan the area. With the device, he spotted Piper hiding In the brush with Zoey. Realizing this, Zoey sprang out, scythe in hand.
"There's no way I'll let you take Piper! Besides, how do you even know she's the new seal?" Zoey question, trying to confuse him and buy time. Zane took out a small device. It beeped and depicted Piper hiding in the bush with a check mark over her.
"Gee, I don't know. Lucky guess?" He tore past Zoey, knocking her aside and scooped up Piper bridal style. Piper struggled, and shoved her blade into his side, but no blood came out.
"Wh-what are you?"
"I'm Zane, the guy who was killed but then revived to carry out my master's wishes. Your toys won't hurt me." He smiled and began to run towards the castle at lightning speed. As a final attempt, Piper's eyes turned gold and she tried to teleport. Zane clicked his tongue.
"That won't work girlie. As long as your in my arms, I cancel your magic. That's why Lakota couldn't get away too." A red string wrapped around her neck and she passed out.
"As long as your under our control, you'll at least comply with out hesitation." He clutched piper to his chest and jumped through the window, startling a maid. He summersaulted and landed on his feet, then ran to the hidden doorway where Skye and Kelsey were. He placed his hand on the wall, then fazed through to the other side and laid Piper on the ground. Kelsey stopped chanting and Zane fell to the ground, unconscious. Skye turned around and picked Piper up, dropping her on the velvet chair. Then started freaking out. Kelsey ran to her side.
"Whats the matter, your majesty?" Kelsey looked concerned. Piper's eyes cracked and blood trickled down from her sockets. The seal had broken.
"I-I can't remember who this person is or any of these people I see in the orb, but I feel like I know them somehow!" Skye knelt out of horror. She too was going insane from the seal break.
* * *
Hannah swooped down to the ground, nimbly landing on her feet. She saw Red battling Michelle and Zach, Zoey passed out and smashed into a tree and Lakota on the ground with her throat slit. Quietly, she knocked Red on the back of his head and knocked him out, then dashed for Lakota.
"Lakota! Stay with me, your going to be alright! Do we have a doctor? Where's Piper and Zane?" Hannah looked at Michelle and Zach desperately looking for answers. Michelle had broke her arm and leaned on Zach, who was comforting her.
"My queen, Zane had been possessed and turned Red against us, taking the seal and Piper with him." Michelle replied delicately. Zach helped her to the ground and handed her his canteen.
"She speaks truth, but I have heard him mention something of a B-12 plan." He continued to support Michelle. Hannah sealed the cut on Lakota's throat. Lakota coughed up blood, then opened up her eyes.
"Damnit!" Hannah punched the ground, leaving an indent. Her wings flared out dangerously as she shook.
"My queen," Lakota said shakily, rubbing her throat, "what ails you?"
"I knew it. B-12, the nuke, Skye betraying us. It all comes together. I should have seen this coming. Kelsey's planning something big with my sisters powers and we have to stop it before it's too late."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2019 ⏰

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