Madness Is Coming Back

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Zoey had finally passed out fro, the pain. What remained of Red laid in a pile of organs and bones. Piper was crouching over the green orb, banging on it with the arm bone. The cockatrice dragged Zoey out into the moonlight, searching her body.

"Where isssssss it? Where did that brat hide her orb? Ssssssssss" it hissed out of frustration.

Piper picked up the orb and brought it over to her blue one. The orbs created a spark between each other, before merging into a slightly bigger, sea-green orb. Piper's right eye change to blue, her left, green. She gripped her head. While piper fell to the ground, the orb slowly, floated up and circled around her. The cockatrice noticed and shook piper, who still didn't wake. Zoey groaned behind them. The cockatrice felt an electric shock run through its body, knowing it had to make a choice. It looked at the giant orb above piper, then back at zoey. Dropping piper, it picked up Zoey, swung her on its back, then scurried off into the forest.

"Thissssssss one issssssss sssssssstill pure unlike piper who'ssssss orb grew"

Piper awoke, realizing she was in broad moonlight, then dashed to a tree. She scanned her surroundings.

" I? All I can remember was being at the terrimoi mountains, then that chicken-no. was it? I can't remember" she clutched her head. She looked over at the pile of meat and bones "Then.....RED!!" She carelessly dashed into the light, and straight at the pile.

"What happened? I can't remember a thing? Who did this? I'll kill them" she cried in her hands. Smelling a horrid smell, she looked down at her hands, covered in blood.

No. This can't be happening. This isn't right.

She looked in shock. Had she really killed red? Her own partner? She backed up quickly, up into a tree in the shade. She started to hyperventilate. Looking back at her clothes, she was covered in blood. She shook, slowly standing up using the tree for support. On the ground, sprawled out in blood, read an horrifying message.

We're all mad here!

She smiled creepily, clutching the orb above her head. The ground beneath Her froze, and sea-green vines grew around her, making her a throne. She sat on top, and started to cover the world in her ice vines. She let the chair take her into broad moonlight. Growing a vine like white tail, she smiled with pointed teeth. The madness within her got to her head. Piper had snapped.


-Moments before-

Skye laid against a tree, braiding her hair over her shoulder. Lakota was sitting on the ground, studying the book and occasionally pointing at words. Skye finished the braid, and reached for the black orb, rotating it around in circles. A white vine, like ice came from behind the tree and wrapped around Skye's mouth, muting her scream. She brought her hands to her mouth as to pry the vine away and dropped the orb with a loud thud, signaling Lakota. As the orb floated back, Lakota jolted up, book under her right arm and sword in her left. A vine wrapped around Lakota's ankle, causing her to trip. More vines followed, holding her up in the air tied up.

"What is happening? Skye! Are you alright?" Lakota panicked, and struggled, only making the vines tighter.

"Foolish little girl" a figure with a turquoise hood stepped out from behind the tree. She held a scepter with a white jewel encrusted on top of the Golden ball. She pushed her glasses up her face.

Lakota bit the vine over her mouth, causing it to shrink away. "Hey you! Who ya call'n little?"

*joey wheeler voice reference*

The girl laughed, "oh my. I do believe we have met before, Laki" she took of her hood, revealing her head with a brown bob and blue eyes. (? Idk how her face looks. Change as you may with that sentence :7)

"Your Kelsey!" Lakota gasped. Kelsey took out and amulet from beneath her hood, and held it near the vines encasing Skye. Skye narrowed her eyes and uttered something inaudible through the vines. Kelsey gently placed the pendant on the vines, causing them to wilt away. She looked up at skye who's face showed shear terror, as if silently telling her not to. Kelsey pressed the pendant firm against Skye's hoodie, her appearance to change. She wore a red, Lolita-like dress about knee length and a small tiara formed on her head. The vines wilted away and Skye screamed, the most horrifying, bloodcurdling scream, causing both girls to wince.

"What did you do to me? Where did you get that amulet?" She was about to grab an orb, but the vines held her back.

"Ah, there is my fire princess. I'm simply here to restore you to your former glory as ruler of lunaria, know that Hannah is out of the way. I'm here to help you get your powers back" she bowed.

"LIES" Skye hissed "your here to use my powers and take over the kingdom. We both know what will happen if that amulet gets near me. You don't want a repeat of the scarlet flame night, do you?" Skye faintly pleaded. Lakota watch, powerless as to what was happening before her.

"SKYE!" Lakota screamed "come on, keep fighting. You can't let her win! I believe in you." Kelsey was irked to the point of snapping. She gripped the amulet, eyed turning amber like its color.

"SILENCE!" She waved her hand, causing the vine to hit Lakota on the back of the head and knock Her out.

"I......believe...." The vines released as she fell to the ground. Kelsey laughed, running her hand over her mouth.

"Fu fu fu! I've seemed to best the captain? Whose ever heard such thing?" She looked down on the sleeping figure. Resuming what she was doing, she walked back over to Skye.

"I'll let you in on a secret. Your right, I only want your power. And with this amulet, I can restore the dimension and make you mine to use. I'm not the bad guy here, they are" she motioned to Lakota who was still sleeping. "This is what they want, to collide the dimensions and cause the end of the world"

She snapped her fingers, letting her stand. She slowly clasped the amulet around Skye's neck. Skye was in a trance, overwhelmed by the seals power. She wobbled a bit, then fell into Kelsey's arms, asleep.

"My.....friends.......lied?" She slurred her words and her turned amber and lifeless. Skye was unclear about he truth, she felt torn. Kelsey brushed the hair out of her face, and carried her bridal style.

"Sleep well, my princess" Kelsey heard a ruffled in the bushes, hearing footsteps. She raised the scepter in the air and vainished.

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