Angel From Hell and The Third Contract

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Piper's words hung in the frigid air, and everyone froze. Hannah's eyes flickered from person to person, and, seizing her chance, she whipped into action. Behind her, her wings exploded outwards, but her feathers were no longer soft and white, but a dark, steely, metallic silver, as if they were knives. Each individual feather quivered with anticipation, hypersensitive to the intensity of the situation, and everyone could hear the clatter of a million razor blades.
With a mighty flap of the silver appendages, Hannah sprang into action. A few blade-like feathers sliced neatly across the cockatrice's soft neck, slitting it's weakly protected jugular. A look of shock flashed in the creature's beady eyes as it fell back, hitting the ground with an earth-shattering thud. Bright scarlet blood pooled around the dying cockatrice, which was gasping its last breaths. The toe of Hannah's leather boots collided with the beast's head, killing it, as she took to the sky, grabbing her friends by their shirt collars and lifting them along with her.
"What about Kelsey?" Piper yelled over the roar of the wind. "God dammit Hannah, you forgot about her!"
"She has millions of familiars," Hannah snapped. "That's a battle for another day."
Meanwhile, Skye was struggling under the ex-queen's grasp, snarling savagely and clawing at her sister's arms. "Skye, don't be a bitch," Hannah warned, and Skye relaxed. Hannah smiled to herself. She knew that Skye had heard that same advice, or "Hannah's Words of Wisdom," as Kelsey used to call them, so many times that they had to remind her that she was safe with her sister.
They flew in silence for a moment, before Piper broke the spell by asking, "So Hannah, uh, how are you, you know, alive?"
"Geez Piper, didn't you hear her?" Skye said with trepidation. "I killed her clone."
"Wrong," contradicted Hannah as-a-matter-of-factly. "I told that to Kelsey because I didn't want her to know the truth about me."
"So," Piper asked awkwardly, "what is the truth about you."
Hannah sighed, remembering the agony of her sister's blade sinking into her stomach. "I did die," she began slowly. "Skye killed me," Skye cringed in Hannah's hands, "and despite my angelic wings, you would be dead wrong if you think I went to Heaven."
Hannah heard a soft gasp coming from one of the girls beneath her, and continued. "I was tortured every day. I had my eyes pulled out and my wings cut off every single fucking day.
"Until one day, I decided to take my pain out on someone else. I tortured them. I broke them down until there was nothing left but a bleeding hunk of meat, but you can't die in hell. No, my victim felt my every blow. And this went on for a while. I wouldn't let myself be tortured-I became the torturer.
"I thought this would go on for an eternity, and eventually, it began to feel normal, even good, to make someone else feel the pain I felt when I lost my sister to the dark side. But then, they let me go. Another torturer knocked me out, and the next thing I knew, I had killed and disguised myself as Bree.
"Out with the fluffy white angel wings crap, in with the weapon-feathers and the strong, sinewy appendages meant for battle. I'm a demon, guys," Hannah's eyes flashed the same silver as her wings, silver filling her corneas as well as her irises and pupils. "And that means I have to kill on instinct. I'll still help you, but understand that I'm not the same Hannah that you knew."
"So," the demon added, "catch me up. What happened while I was gone?"
They landed on the ground. Hannah threw Piper onto the dirt, then Zoey onto Piper, and after Lakota was thrown on top of them.
"Fuck you Hannah!" Piper screamed under the heap of bodies piled on her. "Zoey get your ass out of my face!"
Hannah laughed, "Too bad I wasn't able to carry Red. Oh well! I'll do something about that later."
Skye pulled away from Hannah, extending her black, vampiric like wings. She morphed them into angel wings, like she'd seen Hannah with moments before. All fell silent. Skye flew up into the air, Hannah followed after her.
"I'm sorry Hannah. I can't trust you yet. You've lied about being dead, you've even lied about mom. She didn't die while she was away on a trip, she died because I killed her, didn't she? Kelsey told me already." Skye turned away, a shadow fell over her eyes. A long hot Scepter formed in her hand, then cooled revealing a pointed end covered In a blue flame. She looked over her shoulder, then pointed it at Hannah.
"For now, I am your enemy. I've chosen to go with Kelsey, she never lied to me."
"Skye....." Hannah reached out to put her hand on her shoulder, but Skye jerked back. "I know I've messed up in the past and I am truly sorry. I am reborn, no longer just a queen, but your sister, and a friend." Her tone changed stricter and she grabbed Skye's arm. "As your queen, I order you to give up this shit and knock it of, don't be a Bitch Skye, and go on and on about pointless crap like you always do. In the end, I win. Hannah always wins."
Skye was not amused, she fought for her arm back, but Hannah gripped tighter. Skye lit her arm on fire, and Hannah helped, releasing her grip. Skye staggered back in the sky, burning the scepter hot.
"No. Your not the boss of me anymore. Your dead. I'm the queen now. I don't wanna be, but I must." Her green eyes cracked; all the pain and sorrow she experienced in the early years in her life;with her father, was shattered. Her eyes turned red, and her hair grew black like her hatred. A crown formed crookedly on her head. Her image almost resembled Drake and their abusive father.
"The world is a place, where the villains wear a smile on their face, While they take what you can never replace. Our Golden moments gone forever." She smiled wickedly, like a cheshire. Skye looked below, at her friend's faces, then looked at the moon which was now green like her old eye color, like they've swapped places. Hannah's wings twitched dangerously, metal clanging together.
"You will reap the hate you've sown Hannah." She flew off in a hurry, leaving a trail of tears glistening through the night.
Hannah floated down, to the confused group of people. Piper hesitated, but caught her up to the point where they stand now.
"Arn't we going to go after her? She is your sister, and she turned the moon to.....this.....I don't know what it does to us this time." Zoey put her hands on her hips, looking sassy.
"Relax. I have Su following her. For now, we need to take care of the stuff left behind from that little monster." She drew a magic circle on the ground around them, setting candles on each engraving and pulling out a pocket lighter to lite them.
Piper looked at her.
"What? I may not be as powerful, but I can share as hell work magic circles better. This is to restore the dimensions. Unfortunately P, it won't cure the green curse upon the moon, but it's a start, and I'll need everyone's magic to fight her. So, let's restore that now. Everyone grab a candle and lite it."
"Since when was I degraded to P?" Said Piper. Hannah ignored her.
"This will restore your powers and restrain Skye a bit. Here is a weak point to her that seems unusual. Undoing any of her magic, strains her. I'm so glad I figured that out." She snapped her fingers, and Piper's hand burned as her "R" re-attached itself. Moments later, Red was behind Piper, holding her in a hug.
"Red? But you were mutilated on the floor? How are you-.........Thanks Hannah." She blushed and looked away. "It's not like I cared or anything. This is cool."
"Now, let's restore up the dimensions and your magic." Hannah pulled out an enchanted sword from her wings and began to chant.
"What the hell are you doing." Asked Piper, she sat on the ground next to Hannah.
Hannah's eyes faintly glowed a deep silver. Her metallic wings shimmered with specks of scarlet light that came from her blade. She chanted louder and the temperature of the air surrounding them dropped.
Piper covered her ears, the chanting was too loud, every word clung in the air for moments, only to echo into the space around them afterwards. Her breath became shallow and dry, like she was sucking in sand. She rose her head to see Hannah's dark silver eyes, Piper's eyes widened.
"You lost your soul," she gasped.
Hannah solemnly nodded, she lowered her sword, still looking towards the sky. Above them the dark shadowy silhouette of a figure zipped across the moon, followed by another.
"Hannah what did you do?" Asked Zoey, who had fallen to the ground during the chanting.
Lakota stood next to her looking at two hooded characters which stood at the base of a massive oak. "No," she croaked out, her voice like chalk, " no no no no!" She clutched her head then fell to her knees.
Zoey scooted over to Lakota's side."Lakota, what's wrong?" She looked at the hooded figures. The one on the right stood taller than the one on the left. The man's one silver eye fixed on them, filled with rage, hate and madness. The other covered by a black eye patch. He tore off his cloak, revealing his lean structure. He wore a dark blue uniform. A torn half cape draped over his right shoulder. A silver crescent moon crossed with a sword was embroidered over his heart, symbolizing that he was a lieutenant of Lunaria.
"Is that you, lieutenant?" Asked Piper, she looked towards Hannah, "Hannah why is he here?"
Hannah laughed, "We lost souls, know ways to find each other."
She looked towards the man, "It's nice to see you again Lieutenant Zach."
The man bowed his head, "Likewise my Queen."
"Wait, if that is the lieutenant," Red looked at the other figure, "then that must be.....oh hell."
The smaller figure removed her cloak, revealing a teenage girl. Her icy blue eyes glared at Red, emotionless. Cold air radiated from her, washing over everyone in the group except for Hannah, who apparently was having a great time.
A chill ran up Red's spine, "It's nice to see you again Michelle. How have you been?"
Michelle just stared at him.
"Yeah I'm fine too thanks for asking," mocked Red. Piper elbowed him in the gut.
"I-I thought I k-killed you....b-both of y-you." stuttered Lakota, "How are you both alive?"
"Well..." started Zach, he pulled out two twin daggers. Their edges were slightly curved, and they gleamed dimly in the dark. "After you, you know," he pulled a hand across his neck, and made a sort of cracking sound as he did so, "but you know the usual when a master dies, so does their familiar....kind of.... Anyways we met Queen Hannah down in Hell for...umm....reasons, and we became her familiars." Michelle nodded beside him.
"So what is the meaning of you summoning them here?" Piper said.
"Well as you know we are up against Kelsey and her forces. Now Skye has joined her side, so we will need all the help we can get." Explained Hannah, she snapped her fingers and suddenly a group of tents manifested out of nowhere. "Now everyone, let's get a goodnight sleep. Piper and Red, you can take the first shift of watching camp." Hannah skipped off towards a large tent that was separated from the rest.
"Sure we'll watch the camp," huffed Piper. She and Red left the rest and started patrolling the perimeter of the camp.
"So...." Started Zoey, "I'm gonna go take Hannah's advice and take a nap." She ran into the closest tent, reluctant that she had gotten out of that weird reunion.
Three fierce eyes glared down at Lakota making her feel even smaller.
"Why don't we have some tea in my tent?" Said Zach, after a few moments of silence. He walked over to Lakota and held out his hand, "Mademoiselle if you would be so kind to join us, we have a lot to talk about."
Lakota stepped hesitantly into Zach's tent, feeling like a cornered mouse. She rubbed her eyes and looked at Zach again.
Zach began feeling uncomfortable and said "I'll go get the tea." He hastily shuffled to the back of the tent.
"I thought..." Lakota struggled to form words.
"Spit it out, Lakota. I haven't got all day." Michelle said in a light manner but her eyes were cold.
Zach brought out tea and glasses and put them on a large table in the middle of the tent.
Lakota dragged herself to a chair and sat down.
Sipping his tea, Zach smiled at Lakota.
Lakota looked at her tea but did not touch it. Her mind was still clouded over the thought that the two people in front of her were actually here.
"So.... You're really here." Lakota murmured.
"Yeah" Zach chuckled. "After you so rudely .... how should I say this.... murdered us, we met Queen Hannah. We owe everything to her."
Zach laughed again and resumed drinking tea.
"Aren't you going to drink your tea, Lakota?" Michelle looked at Lakota with dark eyes and smiled wanly.
"I have a sneaking suspicion you don't like me." Lakota told Michelle, not smiling back.
"Well" Michelle stopped smiling "You did kill me, after all"
"We were best friends before all this. Why do you hate me now??"
"Killing someone isn't easy to forget, Lakota."
"You know I had no choice. You can't pin this on me!!"
"No, you always had a choice!"
"STOP. He was going to kill one of you either way."
"You out of all people know you should have picked me." Michelle shook with emotions.
Zach noticed where the conversation was going and leaned across the table, separating the two. "Girls. Stop." He ordered.
But Lakota was too furious. "Now, Michelle you know it wasn't that easy."
Lakota's fingers were trembling with anger. "You should know better after what happened with your brother."
Michelle stood up abruptly and pointed at Lakota accusingly. "SHUT UP." She yelled. "SHUT. UP."
Zach narrowed his eyes at Lakota. Michelle's brother was not to be mentioned.
Lakota smiled. She knew that insult hit home.
"Hahahahahah Zane, You're only 8. You can't move to Canada by yourself!!"
"And because you're 12 you think you know everything Michelle?"
"Well, I'm older than you!"
"Whatever. C'mon I think mom made pancakes!"
"Yeah sure. Pancakes!!!"
That night there was a noise downstairs. I grabbed my gun - mom's been teaching me to shoot. Silently, I tiptoed to moms room. I turned on the light. She's.... Not there? There was another clanking downstairs. I needed to solve this myself. There might be a burglar... And they might have mom. Raising my gun, I went downstairs and into the kitchen. Since it was the middle of the night, I couldn't see anything.
'Now, where is the light?' I fumbled along the wall. 'Where is the light??'
I heard footsteps. I froze in fear and slowly pointed the gun in front of me.
"Hello?" I said, trying to not let my voice shake.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I swung the gun behind me and felt it connect with someone's face. I heard the crack of a neck and hastily pushed the person away from me. I backed up until I hit the wall... And the light switch. The light flooded the room and I looked at the body I had hit.
It was Zane.
His neck was broken.
Oh, god.
He was holding a packed bag.
"Oh god. Zane. No no no no this can't be my fault. ITS NOT MY FAULT!!"
Awaking from her slumber, Hannah found out she had only slept 15 minutes.
"Those fucking idiots!!" Hannah ground out "I'm trying to go the fuck to bed!!! JESUS leave me ALOOOONE!!!"
She pulled a pillow back over her head and tried to go back to sleep, but they would not stop screaming and it got on her nerves.
She stormed out of her tent and into Zach's tent.
Everyone took a step back and then Lakota slipped out of the tent without a word. Michelle muttered an insult under her breath before heading out of the tent. Hannah left with a sigh of relief because she could finally sleep.
Michelle was heading to her tent when Piper ran up to her. She was out of breath and looked like she had run miles to get here.
"Gather everybody at the entrance of camp, quickly!! I found something." Piper said.
Seeing this was important, Michelle did not ask questions and hurried to wake everyone.
"Everyone get up!" Screamed Michelle. She walked into the tent.
From outside, Piper could hear the large amounts of colorful language that Hannah was using. Piper winced.
Everyone gathered at the front entrance. Hannah looked pissed that she got woken up again and glared at Piper.
"We found something," Piper started out.
"Get on with it." Muttered Hannah.
"While Red and I were taking watch, we found this man stumbling around the woods mumbling 'Michelle'."
Red walked up to the group, supporting a man who looked like he hadn't eaten in days. He was wearing a Canadian T-Shirt.
Michelle looked shocked and rushed over to the guy, almost knocking over Red.
* * *
Skye had met up with Kelsey along the way. They teleported to the ruins of the old castle of Lunaria. Holding out her book, Kelsey chanted some incantations. Meer seconds later, the castle was restored to its luscious, green state; perfectly in tact. She motioned for Skye to walk in. Guards lined the pathway to the front doors, all dresses in the same black armor. A guard in a green suit walked up to them, bowing in respect.
"My princess." He got as low as he can. Others followed after.
"Oh captain." Skye held his chin, making him look her in the eyes. Her eyes flashed hypnotically and made the guard's eyes do the same. "I'm no longer a princess. Hannah's dead remember? I'm your true queen now" she continued to walk up a red stair case, long black hair bouncing behind; Kelsey close.
"My queen. What shall you do about our follower?" Kelsey smirked, looking behind at a girl who darted for the shadows. Out of no where, a glowing red vine wrapped her ankle, dragging her towards Skye. She hung upside down, close to the two girls.
"Why, it's that little samurai girl Su. One of 'Hannah's' what a pleasure...." She looked away in a sarcastic tone. "Strip her from her weapons and throw her in the dungeon. We haven't the use for her yet."
"As you wish." Kelsey motioned some Guards positioned in the hallway to carry out the orders. She then walked ahead, placing a black stone in a keyhole. The stone glowed, then the door swung open. They walked in, the door sealing, then disappearing altogether. Skye then proceeded to walk to a red chaise lounge chair, next to a crystal orb. The orb immediately illuminated, showing the events happening around the place she left. It showed Hannah, arguing with Lakota, Michelle and Zach. She heard their conversation being projected into the room.
"Kelsey, open the curtains" Kelsey advanced towards velvet curtains across from the chair, opening them and letting the green light trickle in. A warm sensation trickled up her Spine.
"It feels good to have my way" she said under her breath, eyeing the amulet that now pulsed against Skye's skin. Kelsey smiled, knowing she was in control of her.
"Let's Add some drama shall we?" Skye raised her hand above the orb, manifesting a man with a ripped up shirt and a red glowing anklet, and placed him into the tiny orb.
"Let's bring back Michelle's brother, and see how this plays. I'll even add some touches of my own." She manifested mutated bears, sending them after the man, making them look vicious.
"Surely, you do remember how to kill them. Right Hannah?" She zoomed in on Hannah, feeling a little remorse for what she'd done.
"I'm not the villain. You are. You betrayed me, hell witch. Yeah, keep lying to my friends about your true intentions. Then maybe next time, you'll thing twice about me. I have power too. You shouldn't do everything yourself." A tear trickled down her eye, in which, she quickly wiped away. "If you really care, you'd save me Hannah."
Kelsey brought some tea and set it down on a coffee table. She walked behind the chair, giving Skye a back hug.
"Try not to get so emotional. Your better than you ever were now. You're queen! You have every right to press your opinions, and those of your adviser too." She released, then poured a cup of tea. "I'm here. You don't need anyone in the world now, my princess."
* * *
"Well if that's it then I'm gonna go back to sleep." Stated Hannah, "See ya later."
"How empathetic you are Hannah." Said Red. He turned to Michelle "You know this guy?"
Michelle nodded and pulled Zane's arm around her shoulder, supporting him. "We have to get him in a tent. I can take it from here Red." She turned to the rest of the group. "Does anyone have any medical training?"
Piper raised her hand, "I know some, but Red knows a little more than me though."
Michelle glared at Red then huffed, "Fine he can help."
Suddenly a roar followed by the pound of large paws running over the earth thundered around them. Two large menacing eyes gazed down at the group. Followed by another pair, then another, until there were about fifteen pairs those green glowing eyes on them. The first beast bared his teeth at them, revealing a mouth full of white dagger like fangs.
"The what the fuck?" Screamed Piper, she shook off her shock. "Michelle, Red, get the boy inside. Zach, guard their tent. Now where the Hell is Zoey?"
"What's going on?" Asked Zoey, she poked her head out of her tent. She looked into the beasts' eyes then ducked back in.
Piper spat out some curse words then stomped towards the beasts. "I guess I'm dealing with the visitors myself then."
Around her, the spiritual pressure grew. Red light swirled and danced around her, like the flames of a fire. Inside the ring of red flames, Piper's image rippled. Her hair shimmered and turned white. In her hands, two black swords manifested. The flames died down and Piper opened her eyes. They were gold.
"It feels nice to have my soul back." Piper grinned, and turned to the beasts. "Now, let's have some fun."

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