Counselor: Season 1, Episode 10

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Episode 10: Vince Oyelowo

Scene 1:

(Scene opens with Rosie, Matt, and Sherri walking down the street on their way to school. Rosie is looking uneasy.)

Matt: -And then we kissed for like ten minutes. True story.

Sherri: Somehow...I don't find that too likely.

Matt: Nope, a hundred percent true. When we get to school, Doug can vouch for me.

Sherri: (skeptical) Uh-huh...did anything else interesting happen at that party?

(Matt flashes back to seeing Angie and Dickson kissing.)

Matt: Wha-No!...No...That was kinda it. Just made out with that supermodel for a while and left, you know.

Sherri: And was this before or after SEAL Team six showed up and let you fly the attack helicopter?

Matt: Before! And...who even cares, right? Let's move on. Rosie, what do you keep looking at?

(Rosie doesn't respond. She keeps looking behind her as she walks.)

Matt: Rosie?

Rosie: (turns around) Huh? Oh, sorry.

Sherri: What are you looking at?

Rosie:'s just...something doesn't really feel right. I keep feeling like we're being followed.

Matt: Followed? Why?

Rosie: I don't know. But I've been feeling like someone's watching me ever since what happened at WOTS.

Sherri: Rosie...I'm so sorry.

Matt: Yeah...that entire thing was just terrifying.

Rosie: How do you think I feel? I swear that there's something's behind us...but I can't even be sure anymore.

Matt: It's probably nothing.

Sherri: (nods) I bet you're just suffering from a bit of trauma since the incident. It must be weighing on your heart.

Rosie: (sighs) You're right...let's just go to school already.

(The camera begins to zoom out passed the SCC. On the tip of a nearby church, a shadowy figure hides behind the clock tower. It peaks out to get another look at them.)

Scene 2:

(Scene opens in the SCC clubroom. Everyone is packing up their things at the end of the day.)

Rosie: (stretching) Well...that went better than it usually does.

Matt: I can't even remember the last time we had a free day like this.

Sherri: No one even came today.

Rosie: Maybe we're just too good at our jobs.

(Cut to the SCC walking out of the building.)

Rosie: You know guys, I think I was being paranoid this morning. I think today's actually gonna be a good day.

(Suddenly, the shadowy figure from earlier pounces on Rosie from seemingly, nowhere. It jumps on top of her and presses a cane into her throat, choking her. The figure is a teenage boy of average height. His hair is in a small afro shape and sunglasses hang on his face, covering his eyes. He wears a trench coat.)

Rosie: (choking) Why?! Why do I ever say anything?!

Sherri: Rosie!

Matt: Get off of her!

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