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How he worked

Pleasing girls

None yet hurt

A spotless record

He knew he had

One that was shiny

But drama clad

And then came a girl

Who started a war

One that burned him

He had never hurt before

Although he was short

On Smarts and vocab

He knew all the girls

Thought he was fab (I know, really bad)

But once she had begun

There was no stopping her

He tried and tried

To stop the war

It was her fault

That's true to say

But he'd rather be wrong

Than throw everything away

Once he saw

The chord he struck

He realized he

Was not in luck

For he had started

A fight with her

It started a riot

That spread like fire


Authors Note: this actually covers the next two chapters, and sorry for lack of vocabulary and use of slang. I'm not a poet, as I have stated before.

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