Making New Enemies and Starting Fresh (P16)

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     As you walked into the host club, you remembered your first day. You had come so far from that time. It could never be the same. You sat down with Tamaki before the guests arrived and gave him a hug. At first, he was slightly surprised, but he hugged back after the initial shock. You sat at his table and listened to him talk with the other girls, and sometimes, with you. A girl with long black hair in a ponytail, with crossed legs, looked in between you and Tamaki, before she made connections. After the host club disbanded, the girl left the room along with the other girls, and you walked over to Tamaki. You pulled out your phone and texted him.

Me: I want to drop my phone, just so you'll come visit me and give it back.

Tamaki: You go home with me, and you're only two doors down from me. In the same house as me.

Me: You don't visit me though.

Tamaki: I see you every day.

Me: And how many times a day do you have a conversation with me?

Me: And me only?

Tamaki: When we walk to and from school.  And at lunch.

Me: So, around and hour and a half.


Tamaki: Okay, I admit, I don't spend that much time with you.

Me: So should I drop my phone, or have you got it?

Tamaki: I have it. By the way, why are we texting? You're right in front of me.

Me: Got a problem, Tama-kun?

Tamaki: Nope.

He looked up at you before grabbing your free hand and walking you towards the door.

"Tamaki? I need to speak with you." Kyoya called out to Tamaki. Tamaki kissed you on the head and told you to go ahead. You walked out the door to come face to face with the girl.

"I wouldn't get any closer. I don't want your precious little heart to be broken when he leaves you." She said.

"And why would he leave me?"

"Because he'll choose me. Whether you like it or not." She twirled her pony tail around her finger.

"Yeah. Okay." You said, starting to walk off. You felt a hand grip your shoulder.

"I'm not done talking to you! If you continue to let yourself love him the way you think he loves you, you'll find out that he doesn't love you and he loves me instead." You looked over your shoulder the girl and rose an eyebrow.

"You can keep telling yourself that, whatever your name is."

"Masazumi. Masazumi Ayanokoji." She said with a stuck up look. As if you were supposed to know who Ayanokoji was.

"Okay. Bye." She grabbed your shoulder once more.

"My sister failed at getting him, so now I will. She always was incompetent." She said.

"Cool. Good luck with that. Oh, and good job with the vocabulary, not many girls at Ouran know what naive means, much less incompetent." 

"Think about it. He doesn't treat you the same as other people. I mean, look at how he treats Haruhi and Kyoya. It's because he intends on keeping them around. Heed my warning, for your heart WILL be broken." She said before leaving the corridor. Not long after, Tamaki walked out of the host club and grabbed your hand, walking you down the halls of Ouran and back home. While you were walking, you started thinking about what she said. You noticed how serious he was. He wasn't flirtatious, or dramatic, or his usual weird self. He was serious. You couldn't help but think she was right. Why did he treat you differently? Was it really true he didn't love you the way you did him? Was everything a mistake? You were so lost in thought, you hadn't realized Tamaki had stopped and was standing in front of you, waving his hand in front of your face. You jumped and looked up at him.

"Are you okay, (name)?" He asked. You contemplated whether or not to ask him about what you were thinking. On one hand, you could tell him, and take the risk of having him laugh at you and tell you that he didn't like you enough. On the other hand, you could not tell him and have it on your conscience that he may not love as much as he seems to. You didn't realized you spaced out again until you felt two hands on your shoulders.

"(Name), what's wrong?" Well now he isn't going to fall for nothing, and you were a pretty bad liar in these cases, so... here goes nothing.

"You dont treat me like everyone else." He looked a bit surprised. He took his hands off your shoulders and looked away.

"W-what? What do you m-mean?" He stuttered. You sighed.

"Nothing, nevermind." You tried to walk around him, but he stepped in front of you.

"What do you mean, (name)?" He repeated, more confidently this time.

"I just noticed that, you always treat everyone in this kind, friendly, childish way, but you always talk to me like you plan on getting rid of me at some point." You blushed. He gasped slightly, barely audible. He tilted your chin upwards to look at him.

"You're the first girl I've met who hasn't had a happy-go-lucky life. I'm just careful about being myself around you. I can't just put it all behind me. You've been through so much, I'm just cautious about what to do." You were truly taken aback by that answer. You shrugged, but smiled.

"I was just worried, you didn't like me." You heard him laugh slightly before he hugged you. You smiled slightly before you frowned, remembering what you had to tell him.

"I have news. It may be good, it may be bad. I'd like to wait till we get home, though." You said, continuing walking.

"HEY! Wait for me!" He shouted, jumping and running after you. You smiled and stopped, looking behind you until he caught up.

Time Skip~

How to break it to him? Stratforward. Be straightforward. You and Tamaki were currently sitting on your bed. You looked him straight in the eye.

"Do you remember the amulet that wiped my memories?"

"Yeah, so?"

"I asked them to wiped my memories, and give me a new identity. And in return, I tell them where the Philosopher's Stone is." He froze.

"I'm starting a new life. I have a new family, I'll be going to Ouran, I'll remember you guys, and how much I love you. I won't remember anything about being a Secret Agent or any deaths." He didn't say anything. It took a few moments for him to smile and glomp you.

"That's wonderful!"

"A normal life." He kissed you abruptly and hugged you again. Hopefully this went okay. Sadly, you'll remember Masazumi, and Miranka, and your old school. But hopefully, you and Tamaki could grow closer. This could be a new start.

A/N: I realized (with a little help from a fan. Okay, a lot of help.) that I was writing Tamaki too serious. So I made it a part of the story and tried to make a change. I want your feedback.

It was either start over, or have (name) move away with a new family, and have someone new. I decided against that because they came so far and it'll be "Tamaki's Unwitting Depression" all over again. So hope you like it and tell me your favorite animal in the comments! 

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