Twists (P12)

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You woke up with a serious headache in a room that felt familiar. It was your parent's room, but all the furniture was gone and the lights were off. When you attempted to move, you realized you were tied to a chair. You attempted to slip your wrists out of their binds, but failed. The door opened, revealing a man in black with grey hair and an old face, followed by two other black-wearing men with hoods over their face.

"Hello again." You wanted to reply, but decided against it.

"I've let you live a life with this family. Now maybe you'd like to tell me what I want to know, hmm?"

"I don't know what your talking about, sir. I'm almost positive your talking to the wrong person."

"Oh, no. I have who I'm looking for, Agent 46."


"You're Agent 46. Stop playing with me."

"Um, sorry, but I'm no agent. I can barely do a cartwheel."

"Yes! This is you, no?" He held up a picture that looked like a mug shot of a person, who was clearly you, wearing black. You stared at the picture.

"What is that?"

"Agent 46."

"That looks a heck of alot like me."

"I know. Because it is you."

"Yeah, no. I really don't think so." You felt two gun barrels pressed to your temples. You bit your lip.

"It would be wise to cooperate."

"Okay." You weakly squeaked. The man chuckled and motioned for the guns to be taken away from your head. He then took out a necklace with a charm patterned with lines and symbols.!alchemy-transmutation-amulet%252Fzoom%252Fcfqi%252Fi366nt%3B764%3B669

Looking at it, you started remembering things. Old memories were replaced by new ones. Old people were replaced by an agency. And you started remembering why you were here.

You were hanging from a thin rope that was about to snap.

"Agent 46! Hang in there! We're sending a rescue team down!" Someone yelled. You heard creaking and saw the rope wearing thinner and thinner before... it snapped. And you plunged into darkness.


At the bottom of the hole, there was water. You were knocked unconscious for... who knows how long. Your watch was broken. You stumbled down the passageway, seeing a brilliant gold light around something, before you collapsed.

When you woke up, you were back at this agency place. What was it you were looking for? You looked around and saw, your mom, and dad, and sister?

"Agent 46! So glad your awake! I've been assigned to brief you on everything that happened! We did not get the amulet. Our enemy did. But we did find out the location of the stone. You've been entrusted with this envelope." He handed you an envelope. A light blew behind him and agents in black swarmed the agency, killing anyone in their path. Except you. They grabbed you and got out of there.

You woke up tied to a chair, the man with grey hair in front of you.

"You have something I want. Where is it."

"Not so fast. I drive a hard bargain." You heard yourself say.

"What do you want?"

"A normal life. I never asked for any of this."

"Hmm. Fine. We can, erase your memories until 18, then we come back for the location."

"No, I want to live a normal life."

"We replace your memories with new ones?"

"Fine with me."

"Go get the device." The two men behind him ran to get whatever it was. Moments later, they came back with the amulet——-

And that's all you remembered. You awakened to the man in grey waving a hand in front of your face.

"What?" You said, jumping.

"She probably just remembered." The grey haired man said to his lackeys.

"We've come for the location."

"Sorry, but you said 18. I'm not 18 yet. The only reason I got some of my memories back is because of that amulet."

"Fine. You have one year. We'll be back."

A/N: I'll be updating again today!

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