Photoshop (P19)

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Tamaki ignored you for the most part. He didn't walk home with you, he didn't sit with you at lunch, he didn't come into your room to say hello, he just ignored you. Which kinda ticked you off, seeing that that picture was photoshopped and had no reality whatsoever. You even tried to tell him it was photoshopped. Well, you yelled at him because he didn't even look at you and it wasn't even your fault. He's actually believing this crap? Something that Masazumi made and showed to him? So you did what you could. During lunch, you ran to her class, grabbed her laptop and stuffed it in your bag. You returned to lunch and sat down at an empty table next to the hosts. You heard their conversation.

"What's up with you two?" The twins said. You looked over and saw Tamaki glaring at them. Kyoya pushed his glasses up his nose and smiled.

"Like you wouldn't know." Tamaki muttered. They looked at each other.

"Is this about the projects again? Because we had nothing to do with that."

"No." He said, standing up and leaving. You took this chance to go sit down over with the hosts.

"He's mad because Masazumi photoshopped a picture of me and one of the twins kissing and he actually believes it's real despite how many times I've told him it's not and he just ignored me." You said. They all just stared at you.

"And I'm gonna prove its photoshopped." You said, getting up and grabbing your bag. You walked out of the cafeteria and back to class.

The most interesting thing happened when you got home. You were walking down the hall to your room when Tamaki grabbed your shoulders and pushed you up against a wall.

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME YOU WERE PREGNANT?!" He shouted. You burst out laughing.

"I'm a virgin, Tamaki. I'm pretty sure I'm not pregnant. Who told you I was pregnant anyways? Masazumi?" He just stared at you. You shook your head and ducked under him. You walked back to your room. Pulling out the laptop, you powered it on. Surprisingly, there wasn't a password. You searched for photoshop and soon found it. You pulled open the picture and took a picture of it on your phone. Then you checked the original photos. It was a picture of Hikaru kissing some girl, and a picture of you kissing Tamaki. In the gym of your old school. HOW DID SHE HAVE THAT?! You took pictures of those and rushed down the hall to Tamaki's room. You knocked on his door and stopped the door from closing when he answered and tried to shut it in your face.

"Okay, look Suou, I haven't done anything to you and I have proof right here that I haven't. You've been ignoring me for the past few days and I actually have something that can prove you and Masazumi wrong, and you won't give me a second of your time? What kind of person are you?!" You shouted through the crack in the door. Slowly, he opened the door. You opened your phone and pulled up the photoshopped photo.

"As I said before, this is photoshop. You can see that the photo was photoshopped, BECAUSE ITS IN PHOTOSHOP. Here are the actual pictures." You pulled up the pictures. He looked back and forth between them.

"I'm not pissed off because you ignored me, it's more of why you did. You chose to believe MASAZUMI instead of me. Think about that. And you ignored ME. So right now, I'm pretty ticked. Come find me when you're ready to talk to me." You said, walking back to your room. Before you could get there though, a hand grabbed your wrist.

"Wait, (name). I'm sorry. You're right." He said. You turned around.

"I wasn't fair to you. I should've believed you. But there's a bigger problem to be solved. Who the heck is she?" He asked, showing you the picture of the girl and Hikaru again. You laughed.

"I don't know, and that's none of our business." You said, walking back to your room and grabbing a bag of baby star and pulling out your laptop. Tamaki came and laid next to you. You both watched movies until you fell asleep.

The next day, Masazumi confronted you.

"Too bad he doesn't love you, looks like he's coming to me now."

"Good luck, Masazumi. You deserve what's coming to you." You smiled sadly. She looked shocked when she walked away. Not even two minutes later, she came back out raging and shoved you up against a locker.

"Hey! I said you deserved it!" You yelled defensively. She grunted in frustration and stormed through the halls.

"Charlotte? Yeah, its Masazumi. It's your go. Go get him, cuz."


A/N: Sorry it's such a short chapter. I have IDEAS! Be excited people, it's about to get heated.

I'm sad to say that Emo Corners and mushrooms will be ending soon! But I'll be ending it on a good note. And I will be starting other fanfiction! I want to write a ton. Love you all~ Neffie

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