Beelzebub x Reader: Bear hugs

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Author's Note: This story features a soft MC facing a panic attack.

Beel was by far my favorite demon in the entire Devildom. How could someone ever dislike him? He's so sweet and kind, even though he's a demon! ...Although his hunger is insatiable.

We were going to a carnival that had arrived in the Devildom. Apparently they had human world stuff too, like cotton candy. Which human exchange student would miss a chance to eat food from the Human world!? 

As soon as I'd found out about it I'd texted Beel, since I figured he would want to tag along for the food. Plus, I really didn't want to have to take Mammon when I went. He may be my 'first' but that won't stop me from spending time with my favorite demon.

While we wandered around the carnival, we saw a bunch of performers and rare animals. I swear I saw a flame salamander (or five) with a friendly looking demon at a stall. Beel however, was more interested in finding the cotton candy I'd promised him. His stomach growled loudly.

"MC, I'm hungryy-"

"Well cotton candy doesn't really have much substance.. Maybe you could eat some of those pies-"

Suddenly, a large crowd of people rushed through the street. Within moments, I was separated from the orange-haired Avatar of Gluttony. A wave of panic filled my head.



Where is he? I can't see him anywhere! What if I get lost- Wait, where am I? AHHHHHH!

I start hyperventilating as I scream internally. I didn't recognize the streets at all. Suddenly, even the friendliest looking demons seemed like they would eat me up at any moment. 

Where is Beel? I feel so vulnerable-

A witch leaned into my face, and I backed away.

"Feeling lost, deary?"

Something about her felt very... off. I shake my head at her and begin to walk away. A vague sense of impending danger followed me, and I quickened my steps.

Beel- I need to find him- Where is he?

At this point I was very near to having an all out panic attack. Tears start brim at my eyes, and I keep on raising my arm to wipe them away. A billion thoughts flooded my head.

Where is he!?


Am I actually lost? 


What if he never finds me? What I get eaten up?


Suddenly, I was pulled into a gigantic bear hug from behind.


I turned my head around, and saw the sixth-born wearing a smile of relief. 

"Beel! I thought I would never find you-!" 

I started sobbing into his jacket. "I thought I was lost- for sure." I say, in-between sobs.

He looks kinda surprised at my reaction, but he lets it slide. "Well its okay, now. I'm here."

I wipe off my tears and smile. "So- are we getting that cotton candy?"

Beel chuckles, and points to a stall. "We better hold hands though, or we'll get separated again."

I make no complains, and deftly slip my hand into his. As we walked away I made a mental note to myself. Another reason to love Beel: He gives the best hugs.

PS: I'm sorry if I made the MC look very weak.

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