Asmodeus x Reader: Rose-Scented Soap

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Author's Note: Asmo's birthday special! Btw, for the rest of the book, I'll be using MC and Y/N interchangeably as per the story.

I was curled up in an armchair in the music room, minding my own business, sketching some roses along the border of my textbook. Studying was so boring. I wanted to do something else, but was too lazy to do anything unless forced.

Asmodeus popped into the room, his usual cheery self. I didn't really notice the lustful demon. He walked up behind me, and looked at my doodle from over my shoulder. 

"Why, Y/N! That's such a pretty rose!"

"Hm?" I looked at him for a second and continue drawing. "Thanks."

Asmo doesn't move much, and continues to watch me draw. I didn't think much of it, since I was used to him being so touchy-feely.

*sniff sniff*

"Y/N.. You smell like roses. What soap do you use?"

I look up at him in mild surprise and amusement. "Why would you need to know that? You already have flawless skin."

I was meaning to taunt him, but he just took the compliment and plopped himself onto the right arm of my chair. He takes one of my arms in hid hands, and starts caressing it. I shiver.

He giggles. "Your skin is soft too."

I shifted my arm away. "Let me draw."

He takes no notice of my words. "My current soap smells terrible, though it keeps my skin healthy."

There was a short pause.

"So, what soap do you use, Y/N?" He inched closer to me.

I give him the name of my soap, with the hopes he'd go away. I was wrong to hope so. 

He pulled me out of my seat. "We're going shopping!"

I sighed in surrender. Its not like I have anything better to do.


Asmo stood waiting out front. I skipped over to him.

"Just so we're clear, I'm only doing this since you promised to buy me a slice of cheesecake from Madame Scream's."

He laughed cutely. "And I'll keep my promise." He flashed one of his best smiles, but I saw a look of sadness in his eyes. I opened my mouth to ask him about it, but decided against it.


We'd looked all over town for the bottle of soap, but couldn't find it since it was of human branding.

"Asmo.." I groaned. "Do we really need this soap so bad? I'm tired.."

He looks determinedly at me. "Of course we do!"

I sighed. I like shopping sprees with Asmo and stuff, but I regret saying yes to him now.

"What if I lend you my soap?"

"But what do I use after it finishes?"

"You know what? I'll place a custom order on Akuzon. It'll take some time for them to get it from the human world, but it'll probably arrive by the time my bottle of soap finishes."

The Avatar of Lust looked at me like I was some sort of angel. He would've burst of happiness if he hadn't hugged me first. A light tint of pink graced my face, and I hoped he wouldn't notice. He did, of course and giggled.

"You look cute when you get flustered, Y/N. Especially when its small things like this."

I pretend to take offence at his comment. "So, what about my cheesecake?"

He laughed, and pulled me along to Madame Scream's.

-Short Timeskip to Madame Scream's-

"Now open you mouth dear, and say 'Aaahh~'"

We were sitting at a table for 2 at Madame Scream's. I giggled at Asmo's pampering, and complied.



"Its delicious! Here, you try some! Say 'Aahhh~'"

He deftly ate up the cheesecake from my fork. I laughed at him. 

He leaned back in his seat. "Hey, Y/N.."

"Hm?" I asked, stuffing my face with cheesecake.

"Did you really only come with me for the cheesecake?"

"What made you think that?" I asked, quickly gulping down the cake in question.

"Well, you didn't seem all that keen to come shopping with me.."

"Huh? Oh, that's nothing!" I laugh. "I was just being a little moody since you interrupted me drawing."

Asmo heaves a sigh of relief. 

I leaned forward, placing my elbow on the table. 

"Are you going to tell me why you seemed so sad when I said I was doing this for the cake? You seem so.. out of it."

The Avatar of Lust sighed despairingly and leaned on the table. "I suppose I should, since you've asked."

"It's alright if you don't want to-"

"Nah, it's okay. I want to."

I was surprised. I'd never seen Asmodeus so.. overly casual? So.. open and.. not flirty?

He scooted over to me, his cheeks tainted pink. "Well.. Recently.. I've been wanting to do.."

He leaned forward and gave me a sweet, delicate, yet passionate kiss. 


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