Reader x Barbatos: Stopping time

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Author's note: I was intending on writing a sweet fic but I haven't written angst in a while, so I thought I should try it with Barbatos. (Rest of the note contains spoilers)




This is similar to Lilith's reincarnation after the brothers fell from grace and she died. This time, you're responsible for the death, and have been banished back to the human realm. Sorry about the angst-




What was it he'd told me when he took us on our first date? Oh right, 'I'd stop time for you.'

My tears wouldn't stop falling. 

"You couldn't stop time to save yourself, Barbs! What were you thinking-? Why didn't you check ahead!?"

I shouted angrily at the damp wall outside the bar. I was back in the human world after a long time, and drunk as hell. The rain poured heavily, adding to my angst.


Something really terrible had happened. No, not the fact that Barbatos had missed out date. I'd let out a terrible spirit. A ghost of time, who sought revenge on the demon butler. It was completely on accident, but I couldn't shake the feeling that it was all my fault.

I shouldn't have touched the portrait. I shouldn't have. I trusted the man under the veil. I shouldn't have. I should have trusted Barbs. I didn't. 

And that wasn't all.. 

He was dead now, because of me. It's all my fault.

"Come, Y/N. We need to take you back to the human world before any demon tries to attack you. Diavolo will not grant permission for any demon to go to the human realm, but there is a high chance for a riot. Solomon is coming with you."

Lucifer was colder than ever. 

I am responsible for Barbatos' death. It's all my fault.

Solomon, Lucifer and I made our way to the human realm. None of the two could look me in the eye. The Avatar of Pride soon left. Solomon tried offering a few words of consolation after he left, but I burst out crying. The sorcerer just stood there, hugging me for comfort.

*Flashback Ends*

My DDD pinged with a message just as I tried to punch the wall. It was a message from Diavolo.

'A surprise awaits you. Barbatos would have appreciated what I have done for him.'

Barbatos? How can he say his name so calmly..?

Of course, Diavolo was actually very heartbroken on his side. I just wasn't thinking straight.

I threw my DDD at the wall, angrily. I heard it fall, and immediately softened. All my texts to and fro with Barbatos were in it. I wasn't going to lose that. I kneeled down to pick it up. 

The thunder clapped, and I was suddenly made aware of where I was. Damn. I'm all alone, outside a bar, in the dark too. 

I heard footsteps behind me, and then a voice. The voice was familiar. Barbs?

"Excuse me, do I know you?" asked the voice.

I turned around. A man stood there with an umbrella in hand. He bore a likeness to my dead lover, and his voice was unmistakably the same.

"Barbs?" My voice trembled, barely above a whisper.


I took a couple of steps forward. It is him. But he doesn't remember. Could this be Diavolo's surprise? He reincarnated him..

"N-Nothing.. You look pretty familiar too."

"Oh?" he chuckled. "You're getting wet, we can share my umbrella."

I accepted his offer. Diavolo was right. This is the best surprise I could have gotten. He's not the exact same.. but this way we could fall in love all over again.

We walked back home that day, and I invited him to stay over. Within a few months, we were dating each other, and I could tell that even though he was not the demon I'd originally fallen in love with, he was the man of my dreams.

I love him, and I'm not losing him again.

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