Chanlix - Oh Crap

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All Chan could hear was the roaring of Stays, the pounding in his head getting stronger, the sway in his walk and the trembling of his hands getting more prominent. Man I really should've taken Felixs offer of sleep up. He eventually shook out of it as Felix gripped his hand, squeezing it minutely. He would normally squeeze back and hold on like his life depended on it but he couldn't really think straight, plus they were already being hustled out of the car and there were already enough dating rumours going around about the to Aussies. He wasn't saying they weren't true but the dating ban plus the social stigma around queer artists in k-pop don't help whatsoever, and the confirmation of the couple wouldn't help them either.

But of course Felix noticed the vacant look about him, the haze, so he put his hand on the small of his back - rumours and lectures be damned - to guide him. Eventually Chan snapped out of it, scratching his neck and shooting a small smile to the dancer.

The hotel was nice and they all got rooms with one other person, it was rushed because they were tired so it was according to age - the two oldest, the two pairs in the middle and the two youngest. This meant that it was Minho and Chan, Hyunjin and Changbin, Felix and Han - god that was going to be a loud ass hotel room - and finally Seungmin and Jeongin.

Minho and Jisung had a 'thing' that was supposed to be a sweet but everyone with eyes knew about it so Chan knew that Han and him would be meeting up and he would rather to be not present... of course Minho and Jisung were the only ones who knew about Chanlix for sure because of how Felix and Jisung can't keep secrets from one another and Chan only feels comfortable being vulnerable towards Felix, for obvious reasons, and Minho, as he's the second oldest and the next best since Woojin left - but the others had strong ass suspicions.

Han and Felix were inevitably planning a 'discreet' and 'stealthy' room swap that everybody and their mothers would know about so all Minho and Chan could do was wait. At some point Chan got out his laptop out of muscle memory and Minho stalked over to him, angrier than when Hyunjin slapped Hans ass, and was clearly about to shut the leaders laptop - but thinking better of it and gently coming around, reaching over him and saving his work twice because he knew the leader had a weird thing about that - and then shutting it slightly gentler than he would've.

At that moment Felix and Jisung walked in, Felix, clearly unimpressed and all knowing, raised his eyebrows accusingly at Chan in a way that made him shrink into his seat. Usually he would've just rolled his eyes and whacked him under the head jokingly but he noticed how tired and unstable he was today and it worried him more than he let on. Of course Chan read him like an open book and gave him a small smile, wrapping him up in a hug and collapsing in to the nearest bed and mumbling a muffled apology into his neck. It didn't sound too sincere.

At this point minsung had already disappeared to wherever for their various, certainly not PG, activities. They were both too tired for not PG activities and they both had a silent, mutual understanding of each other, falling asleep wrapped up in each other. And so what if they get a lecture in the morning about being careless - they were together.


They were finally getting ready for the performance, Jisung limping a bit - Chan made a mental note to talk to Minsung later. For now he just rolled his eyes fondly, not that he'd ever admit it. They were piled into the car, Hyunjin and Jisung at each other's throats and poor Jeongin in the middle looking unbothered until  they started fighting about sex lives, then he looked straight up traumatised - poor dude.

Chan already had a headache - great.

They finally got there and calmed down a bit, getting their makeup done and being styled, a nicely practiced routine they've all developed.

Chan can't help but smile at the boys he's proud to be calling brothers.

Then they got called to the stage and everyone was a bit nervous - filled with adrenaline. Cain and Felix were in one side of the stage, along with Changbin and Minho. Felix and Chan were holding hands like they their lives depended on it, the fans cheering were drowned out as they took synchronised breaths.

"I love you Channie"

"I love you too my Lix"


They didn't notice the loud echo of their voices.

Everyone else did.

The crowd got suspiciously quiet, then roaring again - the venue shaking this time. Both Chan and Felix looked up to see Minho smirking at them, practically saying that they were idiots without uttering a word. Then there was Changbin who had his hand clamped around his mouth - presumably from shock or to stop from squealing like a child, probably both. If you looked across the stage you could see the walmart five stages of grief.

Both the boys were confused, then it clicked.

Their mics were on.

Wide eyed and shaky they looked at each other hesitantly and made a silent agreement to get on with the show and deal with it later. The members seemed to understand perfectly, they always did, and agreed. They may have been a bit surprised but nobody was shocked at the revelation - more at the suddenness and clearly not purposeful reveal of the relationship.

The show must go on.

After the performance they had a bit of an impromptu fan meet - it was fun but nerve racking for the two Aussie's, especially when they started to take questions from fans.

One of the first one was about their relationship - which was frightening yet expected. They could of course play it off as a friend thing but nobody would buy that at all and they knew that too. Especially with the way Chan said 'my Lix' and the way they said it... so purely in love.

"Chan, are you and Felix dating?"

They were sitting next to each other so with one side eyed glance and a tight grasp on the younger ones hand he responded.


Of course the hall corrupted in support from Stays, even the members were giving their thumbs up. Big, and surprised, smiles were the only things that could be seen on Chan and Felix's faces, still a little bit nervous but inexplicably happy. Standing up, pulling Felix up with him, he gave him a bruising kiss while they were rewarded with another wave of loud applause.

Chan had a moment to collect himself slightly and realised why the applause was so immediate, the understanding so definite when they said it in English...

Because they were in Australia.

They were in Sydney.

His parents saw that.

His whole family.

He's so fucked.

Hey I'm rlly tempted to write a second part to this about Chans family plus the groups reaction blah blah blah

Chans family are homophobic btw

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