Chan x Skz - BinChan (Part 2)

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This is part of a series of all the members - if you read them all you'll see a pattern. They're all kind of stand alone and very Chan-centric but I recommend reading them all <3

Just about how each member fell in love with Bang Chan and their dynamics.


Every time Chan's eyes would burn into Changbins back, he would feel like he was on fire. Every time he would smile at him in the recording studio, Changbin would feel invincible. Every part of Changbin was in love with Chan, and as much as he tried to stop it, as much as he denied it, it wouldn't stop. Every particle in his body yearned for the Australian. And he didn't know how to feel about that.

When Changbin realized that the admiration he held for his leader may have been more than platonic, he expected to be the small one, the one that was protected and spooned. But boy was he wrong. Every time a trainee giggled at Chan as he passed by, an unsettling feeling would appear in the pit of his stomach.

Once, he was about to call for Jisungs opinion on something he was working on, but his words died in his throat as he saw the young rappers enamored look... looking directly at Chan. Changbin couldn't blame him all that much as Chans concentrated face was absolutely adorable, but it made his throat clog up and left a sour taste in his mouth. Something he had never experienced before. Jealousy. What an unpleasant feeling.

Changbin quickly realized that Chan was NOT the protective one in any relationship whatsoever, he was most definitely the protected. While unexpected, it was so, so endearing and made Changbin fall even further. Chan may act like the big bad leader, but really you wonder where all that brave, leadership goes as he curls up into a ball into your arms when he's tired (Bambam will 100% agree). Sometimes the others really do think he's trying to make himself as small as possible, and well, all it does is make them coo and wrap their arms around him protectively.

Ever since he had realized he wasn't the only one that had developed feelings for the eldest boy, he became protective and slightly possessive. And Minho shut the fuck up and stop making those fucking eyes at m- NO JISUNG THERES NOTHING WRONG. So, what if he would push an unexpecting member off the couch on movie night because Chan walked in, and the only other spot was on the floor and that just wouldn't do.

They were idols, it would never work, especially with a leader and a member, and he had - albeit begrudgingly - accepted that.


On Kingdom, everyone was exhausted, that fact even more obvious as a member was missing. And Chan was known to be a social butterfly, but Changbin was always hit with a sort of surprise as he forgot every time.

Chan and Minhyuk had grown close and as much as Changbin was happy his group was socializing, there were sirens going off in his head over and over again. Chan was acting... mushy. Sure, Minhyuk was his senior, but something was off – bordering on something other than respect. Chan would blush like a mad man and valued his opinion more than well... pretty much anyone's. But it wasn't just Chan, Minhyuk was acting a little too endeared for Changbins taste – or the rest of Stray Kids for that matter. He was patting the leaders head and leaning over to whisper things in Chan's ear – things that made his face light up a deep scarlet. The extended time alone in the studio together only served to make Changbin more suspicious.

So, when in doubt, go to google. He searched up all he could – which in retrospect was not a good idea. His eyes narrowed upon seeing the familiar way they talked and interrupted, Minhyuk pinching his cheeks, knowing his ice-cream order, the way they hugged casually and how Chan burrowed into his shoulder? I thought that was just what he did with us. Throwing his hurt out the window as best he could, he kept watching.

It only hurt him more.

So, the next filming day, he was a little protective, wrapping his arm around Chan as much as he could and making it his personal mission to make the leaders face turn a pretty pink permanently. (And Minho joining in made it so much more fun.) But Minhyuk didn't seem phased – and neither did Chan – if anything, he was encouraged. Chan was already a bit on edge from the long nights they had endured, so each of Minhyuks touches caused a shiver to run up his spine.

His very last straw was when he overheard Minhyuk call Chan "pup", in a tone that suggested anything but innocence. He had to remind himself that he didn't have a claim on Chan thus far, and most likely never would.

He didn't stay to hear the rest.

If he did, he would've heard Chans soft giggles and lovely voice echoing from under the crack of the door to the studio. He would have heard the squeals of joy from Chan and Minhyuks endeared call of "pup". And maybe, just maybe, Chan would've walked out of the studio with his hand interlaced with Minhyuks. Maybe he would have locked eyes with Changbin and dropped his hand and walked home with him.

But for now, he'll never know – and neither will Chan. So Minhyuk will continue calling him pup and learning everything about the young leader, becoming every bit infatuated with him. And Chan will remain blissfully oblivious to everything Changbin feels. And Changbin doesn't know if he would have it any other way. Because there is a certain masochistic relief in burning up with the severity of love. One Changbin is far too familiar with, one he has learnt to embrace like an old friend.

It could feel like he and Chan were the only things left in the world, or like he was drowning, his lungs exploding and his head screaming. Changbin had learnt to love both feelings.


Falling for him was instant, sure, but it was constant - he likes to think that he had never stopped falling for Chan. Every time he would duck his head as he showed Jisung and him a new song, he would fall a little further. Every time he could hear him pour his heart and souls into the lyrics they all worked on; he would fall just a little harder.

It was self-destructive, it was masochistic, but even if he broke every bone in his body, he couldn't help but think he would just end up falling harder.

But the possibility of them was far too reckless...

Because to Changbin, Chan was passion.


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