Chp. 5 - Cross and CC

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Error was off to destroy again.
While he did that, Blue sat in the Anti-VOID, thinking how he could convince Error to let him go with him.
The blue skeleton was worried sick every time Error leaved the Anti-VOID, imagine what could happen to his son.
The worst thing was: No matter what Blue did or said, Error would always deny when Blue asked to come with the small destroyer.
Error was worried about Blue too, and the Sans knew that.
So he just relied on hoping that nothing happens to Error. But back to Error, shall we?

When Error opened a portal and walked through, everything he saw was white.
A shudder creeped up his back.
,,wHaT tHe-?"
He said, having bad vibes.
He didn't know if it was because the place reminded him on the Anti-VOID, or because he had the feeling that somebody would attack and really hurt him.

The wary skeleton looked around, the body in a fighting stance. Then he saw it. In the near sat a monochrome skeleton, almost not visible in the white space.
Next to him seemed to float a ... human?
It was hard to tell, Error couldn't really see it. And his bad eyesight didn't help.
He walked slowly up to the two.
They seemed sad?
Or were they sleeping while sitting?
Error didn't know.
Error took a deep breath and -

,,hElLo! WhO aRe yOu?"
Appearantly shocked jumped the other skeleton to his feet and turned to Error.
,,Oh my stars why are you scaring me like this? And... who are you?"
,,Are you dumb? This is the destroyer Ink talked about! He fits perfectly in the description!"
The weirdly transparent, floating human said to the white skeleton.
Error smiled.
,,mHm! I aM ErRoR! NiCe tO MEet'ChA!"
The other skeleton looked now wary at Error, wich he was oblivious to or didn't notice due his bad eyesight.
,,My name is... Cross."
The skeleton said slowly. Error giggled.
,,ThAtS a NicE nAmE! ANd the hUmaN?"

Both looked at Error in disbelief.
,,Wait... you can see me?!"
Said the human.
Error nodded again. ,,mHm!"
He hummed.
Cross blinked a few times and then said:
,,His name is Cross Chara. Or CC for short."
Error nodded again.
,,OkaY! SoRrY iF I AsK, bUt Why iS yOuR hOmE aN Anti-VOID?"
He asked, while sitting down on the white ground. Cross looked at Error. ,,Anti-VOID?"
He asked. The black, glitching skeleton pointed in a random direction and said:
,,YeAh! ITs LIkE mY hOmE! WhItE unTiL... wElL iTs enDleSs. AnD thEre aRe thE voiCeS. Or AnOnS, lIke tHeY sOmEtiMes cAlL tHemsElvES. BuT I acTuaLlY cAn'T rEmeMbEr hOw I enDeD uP tHerE. MaYbE oUr pAsT Is sImIlaR anD I cAn iMagIne wHat HapPenD tO Me?"

Cross sighed.
,,My... Timeline... got erased. And welp, here we are."
He said, while trying to avoid the question.
,,sOo... ItS tHe ReMnANtS oF yOur DeAd TiMelInE? MAkeS SenSe. ThOugH... I dIdn'T dEsTroY tHiS AU - I wOulD rEmEmbEr seEinG a WhiTe skEleTOn lIkE yOu - and CertAinLy dIdn'T dEsTroY mInE. I wOulD NevEr."
,,We had an... incident."
Explained Cross shortly. Error nodded.

,,Isn'T iT bAd FoR yOu, LiKe tHis, AlOnE wIth a HuMaN? DOn't yOu bOth WaNt oUt? BecAuSe bAck thEn I cErtAinLy waNtEd."
CC grinned.
,,Oh yeah! It is bad! But INK won't let us out! He says ,It's to dangerous' and ,Error could get and kill you' or ,You need to stay in your AU.' This HELLHOLE isn't our AU anymore! It can drive a person crazy! And Ink didn't came to visit us in WEEKS! As if he has forgotten us!" Error looked at the ghost. Ignoring the warning about himself he said:
,,bUt InK alLoWs DreAm tO bE OuTsiDe! AnD tHe oThEr SanSeS tOO! HE nEvEr sAyS sOmEtHiNg AboUt ,SafEty' ExCepT iTs ClAsSic!"

The monochrome skeleton looked at the glitchy one.
,,He probably just don't want us outside because we... killed... a few people."
Error blinked.
,,bUt tHatS nOt FaIr! HE DoEsN'T knOw WHy yOu kilLed, doEs hE?"
,,No, I am sure he don't know..." murmured Cross. Error thought for a bit.

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