Chp. 7 - Ambush in Outertale?

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Blue and Error were in Outertale. Again.
They were here rather often.
The blue skeleton looked at Error who looked up at the stars.
There were three reasons why they were here.

First, it's been a year since Blue moves to the Anti-VOID. Well - maybe.
It felt like a year.
Even if nothing ,,big" happened except... let's get later into that.
Geno and Fresh had Error now close to their SOULS or... whatever Fresh had.
They would protect their brother with all their might.
Even when the whole brother thing... rather forced was. The more, the merrier they say.

Secondly was because of an... event.
The ,Cloak guy' came to the Anti-VOID, because Error was sick and Blue forced him to cure instead to ... ,play the game'.
Appearantly Error was too long not there and the Cloak guy came to ... punish... him.
Yeah, he did that even if it was just manipulation. It was like to say:
,If you slack of, I punish you. You don't want to get punished, do you? So play the game!'
But the Cloak guy quickly ran away when he saw that Error wasn't alone.
Blue saw him despite that and almost flipped the non-existent table in his anger.
He didn't tell Error who it was until now, though.

And Third:
Error was in a phase were he... wasn't happy with what he did and regret and guilt filled him.
The phases came sometimes and in these phases he acted like a mix of adult and child.
But it would go away in a few hours or days.
Stars always calmed him down and Blue always cheered him up, saying it wasn't his fault.

Error turned away from the beautiful sight, when he heard:
,,Error! You can't destroy this Universe! Yo- BLUE?! You're ALIVE!"
The black skeleton quickly stood up. Behind Ink where like hundred Sanses.
Blue stood up too.
He laid a hand on Errors shoulder, who was confused. ,,Yes, Ink. I'm alive." Said Blue, spitting the name Ink out like venom.

(Venom: What?
Author: Not you, go away! This is Undertale, not MCU!)

Ink looked confused. ,,Blue? Are you okay?"
Blue shook strongly.
,,No, I'm NOT okay! What are YOU doing here?"
Ink took a step back, still very confused.
,,I- I heard from Outer that Error often comes here. So I plan to... kinda... ambush him? We thought you were dead! What are you doing here? Why are you protecting... HIM ?"

Blue let out a shacking exhale.
Then he started to talk:
,,I live with Error now a few months. From what I saw the only one who ACTUALLY searched for me, was my AU. And YES, I know about the Multiverse." Blue sighed.
,,But that is not the reason now, is it? Do you know coincidently about a cloaked person who likely visits Error in the Anti-VOID, manipulating him to destroy to make him a bad person, Ink ? He described it, y'know? I saw him once. And from what I saw, before he quickly vanished...
Only for your little ,Hero-Villain-Game'. So would you be so friendly and quit manipulating my child?"


Blue looked at Error who lied in a hammock of his strings, the eyes looking feverish at Blue.
,,dAD... I... I dOn'T fEEl sO gOoD. WhAT iS tHis feEliNg? WhY iS iT sO hOt?"
Blue laid his boney hand on Error's forehead. He looked gently at Error.
,,Looks like you have a fever. Don't worry it won't be for long... I hope. But I won't allow you to go destroy in this condition! You need to rest!" Error didn't complain.
He just clawed onto Blue and laid his head on his chest, slowly drifting to sleep.
The Sans rocked the glitchy skeleton with a warm smile. ,,Get better soon..."
He whispered.


Blue looked at the Error who slept. Again.
He slept much in the last days.
Not that Blue complained, he needed it.
The black skeleton with the blue tear marks got a bit better, but was still ill.
Blue heard a portal open and looked at the direction from were it came.
Red targets met blue stars.
The person in the red cloak - or was it just stained with... ketchup?
The person turned quickly around and dissolved in... black... ink.

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