what actually happened after Free's battle with Phi pt1

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Free: *All sad*

Phi: *Looks smug*

Free: *Starts shaking with anger*

Valt: *Runs down to stand beside him*

Valt: Free?

Free: Valt....Give me a nailed baseball bat....

Valt: ummm o-ok? plz don't do what i think ur gonna do...*Gives him a bat*

Free: I said one with nails...

Valt: ...*Gulps* *Gives him one with nails sticking out of it*

Free: *Evilly laughs* *Stomps after Phi*

Free: *Front Flips and lands on Phi's shoulders, knocking him down.*

Free: *Sits on Phi's back, leans down ever so slowly, and whispers in his ear, Holding the bat:* 

Free: There's going to be bloodshed~ 


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