Umbrella (Pick/Rome)

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Author's note: Continuation from Flower. 

The flowers stopped appearing after a while. Not the photos, though. He found them in his locker, desk and his mailbox. When he discovered his picture between the pages of the newly borrowed book, he almost had a panic attack. Pick, Emma and Porsche made sure he was never alone. But it was mostly Pick who took him in and out of the school. He acted like a bodyguard accompanying him to the classes, waiting for him in front of the photo club, and if he wasn't available, he made sure Porsche were there instead of him. Pick's assurance that he will catch "that bastard" did calm him down a little. 

And maybe Pick's permanent presence did scares the stalker away. It was already two weeks without a single photo found. He felt somehow uneasy about it, yet he was relieved too. 

However, that particular rainy day will stay burned into his brain forever. He was running late from his last class to meet Pick in the parking lot. He was almost out of the building when he realized he forgot the umbrella in his locker. He turned on his heel and ran back to retrieve it. It wouldn't even occur to him he would find himself pressed against a metallic door with someone breathing in his ear. 

"You are finally alone." The man whispered slyly, locking him in a firm embrace. He shivered when something moist lick along his neck. 

"You are mine." 

He did recognise the voice, and it makes him tremble even more. He closed his eyes, encouraging himself to shout for help. When the hand travelled to his mouth and covering it, he knew it was too late. He tried not to cry, but the tears were already running down his cheeks. 

"Get fucking away from him!" He heard someone shout, and in a second, the weight was lifted away from him. The relief washed over his body when he found himself enveloped in the familiar warm hug. 

"It's alright. It's over. He won't do anything to you." Pick whispered into his ear, softly kissing the top of his head. 

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