In the ground you have been,
with sorrow in your eyes and pain in your heart,A life that you didn't ask for,
from something that you didn't deserve,The broken glass that never had no one to repair but yourself,
the recognition of just being human,Can you count how many times you wanted to give up?
somehow... you didn't,You stud up against all difficulties,
against what was lived,We, as humans, are born with nothingness, our life, from a theory, somehow it's written, but if it was, story's like we know would be "happily ever after",
Why it would be written with a life that it wasn't asked? with matters that don't matter for us, or with scenarios that made us feel weaker,
If it's such an accurate theory, who may this be, that is writing a life that few of us don't deserve? or is it just life it self that it's trying to show us something more than that? how can it be, the one that suffers, the one that is mentally drained, starts to realize that, that theory is unbelievable.
So is it life? life it self, someone above or bellow? is it us?
Something that we will never know.
Soul on Writing
RandomEnglish and Portuguese Writing Escrita em Inglês e Português - Reflexões Pessoais e Poemas - Personal Reflections and Poems