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This time, Astoria found the next place they were headed for on her own. Strapped with the knowledge of isekai light novels, she watched for the sole building where people dressed in fighting gear and armor were concentrated; entering or exiting. And she found it, rather quickly in fact.

"There it is! That one's the Traveler's Guild isn't it?" She pointed, face smug with a grinning smile as soon as she spotted just the right building.

It was in the middle right of the town, though closer to the docks than the land-entryway. It wasn't the largest building in Tess (that status being taken by what looked like a warehouse far off by the docks), but it was a remarkable sight of three floors of wood with doors that swung in and out.

"Correct you are," Pendridge spoke as he walked in.

Astoria followed after him.

Immediately, eyes jumped onto the two. As they walked between sets of tables and chairs, most people kept their gaze on Pendridge's form, surprise and speechlessness etching across their faces. Though, of course, they also looked oddly at the girl beside him.

In short order, they came upon the counter of the establishment, with two women that looked as if they were in their twenties helming it, dressed in identical attires of a black, collared t-shirt, and long pants of the same color. Pendridge spoke to the lady with a head of short, black hair.

"Excuse me," He said as Astoria glanced about the place, smiling at everyone she saw.

"Y-yes?" The woman asked, jittered.

"I would like to register my pupil as a traveler."

The woman stared at him, then at Astoria, then back at him.

"How old is she?" She asked.

"A few days old."

There was silence for a moment as the woman raised a brow. Then she coughed.

"Umm. . .usually we do not register people below the age of 15 unless an exception is made for a special individual. . ." She muttered, shook her head, then nodded. "But, since the Guardian Beast of the Western Winds is making this request personally, I think this is a rightful cause for an exception."

"Please, thank you."

The woman nodded, smiling. "No, thank you for your protection."

As Pendridge nodded in acknowledgement, she turned to Astoria.

"Bring out your left hand."

Astoria did as she was told. The woman began to weave mana in one hand, while the other touched a rather big orb on the counter besides her. Both glowed, and then she began drawing on the back of Astoria's outstretched hand. It took a few minutes and then, Astoria stared, wide-eyed at the magic circle that was now on her hand; one with the image of a sword behind a shield at its center.

"State your name aloud as you inject mana into the magic circle," The receptionist spoke as if she had just been drained of energy. "Be truthful, as the circle will not activate if you lie."

Astoria nodded and did as she was told. Though she had never gotten the chance to use it all that much yet, Pendridge had already taught her how to rotate her first mana circle, derive the energy, and control it.

"Astoria," She said aloud as what seemed like blue light touched the circle.

Nothing occurred, however.

"You need to also use a last name," The receptionist said.

"A last name?" Astoria furrowed her brows.

Astoria PendridgeWhere stories live. Discover now