Chapter 15

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I invited Ahsoka to live with me, she said yes. I can't believe it. There is going to be a live broadcast soon announcing whether or not I will be in the senate. I hope that they accept me, otherwise, it wouldn't make any sense.  I turn the television on and see Chancellor Palpatine on stage.

"Welcome Everyone, Today we will announce whether or not The Senate will be accepting Onderon into our Senate. We will be accepting Onderon into our Senate" Said The Chancellor on the television. 

"Ahsoka, Come over here"

"Coming" Said Ahsoka from the guest room, she was unpacking her few belongings. 

"I am officially a Senator!" I told her with enthusiasm.

"That is great, Do you have any food? I am really hungry!" She said I wonder how much someone can eat until they blow up. Ahsoka and I just ate an hour ago! I showed her to the fridge, and she picked out something to eat.

We then both went to sleep, I couldn't help but feel strange. I heard screaming from another room. I woke up suddenly, who is in my apartment? Oh right, Ahsoka is here. AHSOKA IS SCREAMING! I go to her room, she is having a nightmare. I go into the room and things are floating, what is going on! I shake her, trying to wake her up, which is tough. She punches me in the jaw, it really hurts.

"AHSOKA! Wake up!" I shout, trying to wake her up.

"Who are you, Where am I?" She says while looking around the room. At least she woke up. All of the items that had once been floating, crashed down onto the floor.

"It's me, Lux. You are in my apartment. You are safe, I am going to go back to my room now, You can always talk to me"

"P-Please Stay... I don't want to be alone" She says, with a certain fragileness in her voice. This is very out of character.

"Okay, I will stay" I reply. I then get into bed. I hope she doesn't have any more nightmares. I pull her closer and fall asleep. 


I wake up with a smile on my face. This pillow is very comfortable. I try to get up but there is an arm around my waist, preventing me from doing so. Oh My Galaxy, I am in bed with Lux Bonteri! I told him to stay! This is going to be very awkward.

" I know you're awake 'Soka," He says with his moring voice.


"Do you want to talk about the nightmare" He questions with concern in his voice.

"Ya... I was in a battle and then people shot at me, I felt betrayed. I saw somebody kill little children. It was so bad" I say, starting to cry.

" It will be alright, How about you take a shower and I can clean up this mess on the floor." He says while comforting me.

This is the person who I want to spend the rest of my life with, I feel my heart melt. He gives me a look as if he can sense what I'm feeling, and pulls me closer. Our lips meet and synchronize in harmony. Everything in the world just stopped.  We pulled away after what felt like hours. I looked into his eyes and felt at home.

"I care about you a lot, more than I'd like to admit, Do you feel the same?" He asks, one might say he looked nervous. Lol

" You Idiot, Of course, I do" I reply, and his smile widens, he has such a goofy smile.

"Good to know" Now it's my turn to smile, I am happy. I am not lost.


I was at a meeting and BAM there were gunshots. Someone is trying to kill me, again. 

"M'lady, We must leave the building before you get shot," Says a guard.

When I am back at my apartment, Vasara is waiting for me. She has a guilty look on her face.

"Ma'm I am not the person I appear to be. I once was a sith in training, I was going to assassinate you. Then I received visions, Terrible visions of the future. The visions are of what would happen if the sith won. They use the chosen one and the senate to do so. Anakin Skywalker can not return to Coruscant. In my visions, you became pregnant and Anakin had visions of you dying in childbirth. That drove him to the dark side, and it destroyed the Jedi. You must leave the senate and go to Naboo, and convince Master Skywalker to go with you. If you can do that, then there will be a happy ending for both you and your husband. I know about the two of you because of my visions, I will not tell anybody. Skywalker must leave the Jedi or he will destroy them.  I know this is a lot, but you must believe me. I am no longer a sith though, both the sith and Jedi are corrupt. You must leave this week"


FLUFF! I hope it was up to your expectations. With the Padme thing, I want to get to a happy ending soon. I really want to finish this story. Incomplete stories irritate me and they probably do the smae to you. I know that I have not updated for months, but here is an update I guess. Have an amazing day!

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