New Home

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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HP.
/Kurama and Naruto speaking mentally./

(With Kakashi and Hari)


"Yes Hari-chan?"

"I'm sleepy." He answered.

Kakashi smiled. Don't worry. As soon as we get to my place you can go to bed."


Kakashi continued to walk towards his apartment. He received many curious looks by the villagers and some ninjas but he ignored them. They soon arrived at his place. He unlocked the doors and entered. He went to his bedroom and placed his brother on his bed. He smiled when he watched Hari instantly curl and fall asleep.

'He's so cute.' He thought before he left the room. 'Time to pack.'

Kakashi began with the living room. He was halfway through when someone knocked on the door. He put down the picture and went to answer the door. It was Asuma.


"Hey. I found three places available. Two have two bedrooms while the last one has four." Asuma told him.


"Yeah. Well here is the information on the three." He handed it over.


"You're welcome."

"Oh and I got him this." He held up a shitsu stuffie.

"Thanks. I'm sure he will love it."

"Would you like me to watch him while you look at the houses and the apartment?" He asked.3

"Hai. Arigato."

"No problem." He smiled.

"I'll see you later. He's sleeping on my bed."


"Oh and this is his diet plan." He handed the paper over.


Kakashi left after that. Asuma sat down on the couch and read the dietary restrictions over. It pissed him off. No wonder Kakashi was tense. He was forcing himself to remain calm so that he didn't scare his little brother. If the people taking care of the boy were found dead well they would have deserved it. Asuma sighed before helping his friend out by packing.

(With Kakashi)

He looked at the apartment with the two bedrooms first. It was closest to him. It would put him closer to both Asuma and Guy. He wasn't happy about being near Guy but as long as it worked then he would put up with it. It was okay but both bedrooms were on the small side and so was the kitchen. He went to the three bedroom house next since it was closer. He liked it better than the first and it would put him near Anko. Only problem was that each room was really big. The final house was perfect. He was close to Iruka and had one bathroom. The yard was big. This was the perfect place for him and his brother.

"Sir?" The elderly woman that was selling it looked at him at the end of the tour. "What do you think?"

"I think this is perfect." He said.

The woman smiled and told him the price. He paid immediately. She then gave him the deed and the keys.

"It's all yours now." She said.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." She left.

"Home sweet home." He smiled under his mask before leaving to grab Harry and his things.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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