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Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or HP.


/Kurama and Naruto speaking mentally./

"You called hokage-sama?" Kakashi asked as he entered through the window.

"I did. You remember your dad?"

"Of course I do." He gave him a confused look. 'Why is he bringing up my dad?"

"About seven years ago he had been sent on a mission outside the elemental countries."


"It turns out that while he was on that mission he had gotten a women pregnant."

"What?!" He stared at the hokage in shock.

"One of your father's team members found some letters addressed to your father from the women. He read them wondering what they were about before bringing them to me. Here they are." He gave the one eyed ninja the letters.

Dear Sakumo,

I don't know if you remember me. My name is Lily Evans. We met a month ago. The night we spent together resulted in me getting pregnant. I am just letting you know. I don't expect anything from you. Yes I am keeping the baby.


Lily Evans

Kakashi was surprised by this and wondered if his dad read this. If he did he wondered if he responded to the letter and if he did what did he say. If he did then why didn't he tell him about the baby.

Dear Sakumo,

I know we agreed not to be in contact with each other except for when he is born and after he turns eight but this is important. After I put away the last letter you wrote for the baby I found my old headmaster and the minister in my living room. They broke in and stunned me. I was then forced to marry James Potter my abusive ex boyfriend. You see a seer told them that two babies would be born at the end of the seventh month. One baby was the child of Frank and Alice Longbottom while the other was the child of James Potter and me. They don't know that I am already pregnant with our child. After James raped me I lied to say that I was pregnant with his child. I knew that if they had found out I was already pregnant they would get rid of it. Now the reason why the babies are important is because the seer prophesied one of them being the chosen one to defeat the dark lord. It is total bullshit but I am unable to do anything. I'm so sorry. Dumbledore just wants to use our baby as a weapon until the dark lord is gone and then kill our child if he lives. He wants the fame and glory. James doesn't believe me but I overheard Dumbledore's plan to kill both me and him. He will give our baby to my abusive sister and her family. He wants our child to be easily manipulated and will pay her. I had a baby boy. His true name is Hatake Hari. He has those baby blue eyes. His hair is white with red highlights. He is beautiful. Now To protect him his false name is Harry Potter and I put a glamour on him to make him look like James. I am alone right now with him and I know I don't have long. Please I beg of you save our son. Take him with you. Please.


Lily Potter née Evans

"Was he abused?"

"It appears so. After I saw the contents I had sent Cat to get him since you were away on a mission. She took him to a hospital after she found him in a cupboard."

"So he's at the hospital?"

"Yes. Before you go I have something to tell you."


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