The Dairy

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On the big day, I'm going to meet these people, I'm ready my bags are packed, my outfit is perfect, my hair is in place, and I had lunch, always alone of course my parents take the time to have lunch together shortly before my wake up.

Before taking the road to Hogwarts Express, my parents take the greatest care to explain to me the rules which do not change from year to year.

Like not hanging out with these inferiors, not talking to other families, not talking to say nothing, and of course being the best, the best in all matters, the best in everything I do. I have added a lot of weight to Quidditch, so I better be the best at it.

For the lessons, it should be fine I am not badly classified, I just have Granger in the legs, I have the impression that she is the only one who has the same ambitions as me "to be the best", she often goes to the library when I'm there too, I often see it there, but good enough talking.

Throughout the journey before arriving at the Hogwarts Express, I take the time to remember all these characters like, Harry, the Weasleys, Hermione, and a few other characters from my house with whom I don't get along better than that, but who are always there to laugh at. nasty hits that I do to Gryffindors regularly.

Speaking of the people I don't like much there is Pansy Parkinson, her parents hate my parents and I hate her just as much as she hates me, we never liked each other, we always shoot each other. She annoys me she's so mundane and uninspiring she always wants to be the center of attention she always has something to say about what I do, what I say.

She keeps chasing after Draco she sticks him like a slug, once I told her she better run after Filch because she would have better luck than with Malfoy but she threw me "Eat Slugs" that I returned to him by the way, we both ended up in the infirmary insulting each other names by spitting out wonderful and graceful slugs.

Nobody likes to say that Blaise was in couple with her I don't know what went on in his head to be able to do that, tell after it's Blaise Zabini the great Slytherin charmer, I think he dated half the Hogwarts girls, but he prefers Ravenclaws, he's a great charmer.

But he's my best friend, he's the only one I tell everything to. Our parents are Death Eaters and then we have more or less the same thoughts, being my best friend he is also the best friend of Draco Malfoy this blonde with metallic eyes, I always saw him as a partner to annoy the Gryffindors, he is always up for disparaging Potter, Draco and Blaise are surely the only two people in Hogwarts that I actually talk to, I'm not saying I talk to Draco a lot far from it, he would take me for a sentimentalist and I don't want that. he sees me as such, I confide in Blaise he won't say anything to anyone I can confide everything to him he's my best friend the only real friend I have.

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