The Doubt

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After writing these few thoughts in my diary, I took care to store it neatly in the bottom of one of my suitcases. I then took out my uniform to be quiet the rest of the trip. As soon as I unbuttoned the buttons on my black shirt, the cabin door opened to reveal the red hair of the Weasley twins. I hastened to button it up again before cheering them up.

 Me: What the fuck are you doing here ? Now get out of my cabin, I was putting on my uniform  you stupid !!! 

 Fred: First, it's not your cabin Miss Gaunt, everyone has the right to borrow it. Second, we're not stupid we're just too nice to give you company. Third, I had noticed that you changed. 

George: That's why we came back and we're not ready to go. You imagine that Fred we will be the first to see Celeste Gaunt without her clothes dark and sinister. 

 Fred: Very good idea Georges, do you have the camera?

 Me: If you don't go you'll regret it, I swear it to you.

 George: No offense, it looks like your wand is in one of your suitcases, so you're no longer a threat to us.

 Me: Oh yeah really? 

 Fred: Yes yes really my beautiful you have nothing against us that could make us flee this time Celeste

Me: Yes, I have my plan B. 

George: Your plan B? 

 Me: BLAISE !!! 

 Fred: OK OK it's good here we go, quickly George! 

 George: Are you sirius Gaunt ? 

Me: Oh yeah very seriously you better go before he arrives. And you Fred no longer calls me "my beautiful". 

Fred: Understood, goodbye my beautiful

 Me: AGRH I'm gonna kill you Freddie Fucking Weasley. 

 At this sentence Fred ran to join his brother who was already far away following Blaise's call. I take care just after their departure to lock the cabin door with my wand that I will not let go anymore. 


Once these last locked and my uniform put on I could finally enjoy the trip. Autumn leaves swirled past the cabin windows, and the sky was gray with only glow of orange and fire. So I took advantage of this quiet moment to start reading a few articles, but not just any. He was talking about the Lord Voldemort and his followers. I really wanted to know why my parents were in it, and what the newspapers people were saying about them, as well as their intentions. Because my parents do not want to discuss these issues with me under any circumstances. I knew it had something to do with Potter but nothing more. Diving into these reviews I found absolutely nothing. Effectively everyone is unaware of their intentions, including the children of Death Eater members like me Blaise Draco or even Theodore.

 But after an hour of searching without finding an answer I decided to put them in a compartment of one of my suitcases. I was going to continue this trip without any real activity, I took advantage of these last moments of calm before getting out of this train. 

 But unfortunately the person who had just knocked on my cabin door had decided otherwise.

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