Chapter 3

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Drake P.O.V

I woke up from a rather weird dream. I saw this girl and she was getting raped so i helped her. Then we ended up having sex, i lay in my bed thinking about her. She was so pretty i wonder what her name was. Suddenly i could recall the dream anymore.

Kay P.O.V

I sat up straight as i awoke from a rather weird dream. My boyfriend- well ex-boyfriend was trying to rape me and a stranger came and saved me and then we ended up having sex.

"Hey are you ok?" Damon asked me as he sat up next to me. I laughed because just as i was going to explain the dream it left my mind.

"All i remember was that i left and you were in it too. I dont know i think that im a little sad about the breakup." I said and got out of bed.

"You left me aww but we were having to much fun." Damon whined throwing a pillow at me. i smiled before walking into his bathroom with my suitcase. I slipped on a white tank top, my Falling in Reverse jean jacket without sleeves, my favorite jean shorts and patterned tights and my combat boots. I brushed my hair, put eyeliner on and walked out. Damon had on a red v-neck, Pokemon gages, black skinny jeans, and a pair of TOMS. He actually looked really hot instead of cute.

"So Kay what are we going to do today?"

Kay. I dont think that anyone has called me that besides my mother, who had died 2 years ago to cancer.

"I think that we should ride all of the roller coasters and do all of the fun things here." I said cheerfully.

Damon P.O.V.

Her eyes lit up when she talked about the roller coasters and fun things. I wanted to just laugh but all i did was smiled. Kayla clapped her hands and hugged me.

We had been on almost all the rides and i was beat. If we sat down one more time i would fall asleep. I looked over at Kay who looked the same way.

"Hey i think that we should go back to the hotel and get food."

Kay looked at me and smiled, a yawn have escaped and we both laughed. We ended up sharing something and falling asleep.

Drake P.O.V

I could shake this feeling that dream had left me last night. Weird.

"Hey Drake thanks for letting me stay at your house." Bryan said walking up to me. I smiled and said no problem. Byran looked at me for awhile before he sat down next to me.

"Drake are you ok? You have been spacing out lately."

I hesitated weather or not to tell him about her.

"It was this dream i had last night. There was this girl with black hair and blue eyes, she was the most beautiful person i have ever seen. I saved her from being raped and then we um..." I stopped my self from finishing because it was to embarrassing.

"Then what?"

"We um...we kinda...Well we um...You know." I made hand gesture so maybe he would understand. He did because he lifted his eyes brows and kept saying i see, i see. I could feel myself blush, so i got up and left. Bryan such a weird man.

Kay P.O.V

Today we were leaving Disneyland, which was really sad. I hope that me and Damon can stay friends. Maybe we could i dont know be a little more than friends.

"Hey you ready?" Damon asked pulling me from my mischievous thoughts. I nodded and grabbed my stuff and headed to the taxi. While we were in there i learned that Damon and i were both going to different places, he was going to Florida and im staying here. I live in an apartment downtown.

We went to the airport first and i said goodbye to Damon. He looked happy, and sad so he gave me his number. I had a Night At The Roxbary moment (WE GOT A NUMBER!!!). I waved goodbye and slowly watched the airport get smaller.

I unlocked my apartment door and throw my stuff on the floor. I went to the couch and plumped myself on it. I closed my eyes but was scared by my kitten Mouse or Mo.

"Mo what should we do today huh?" she stared at me then left, "Thanks for the advice Mo." I yelled to her, she heard me cause she meowed. I got up and checked my phone, 6 new messages. Two from Damon, three from my friend Kellson. I opened Kellson first cause i havent talk to him for a while.

4/14 - 'Hey vampire i miss you so much. When i was babysitting you kitten, she would get into trouble and then give me those eyes. Like the ones you give me when you want me to do something. I swore the kitten looks exactly like you. Well when you get a chance text me back. Love ya.'

4/15 - 'Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to my vampire, Happy birthday to you. I hope that you have a wonderful day and amazing weekend. Love ya.'

4/16 - 'Im so upset Dylan broke up with me. UH i hate him so much! i wish i could rant all day with you. Hope your day was better than mine. SO THAT MEANS IM SINGLE! I think that we should do something like go to a party. Love ya.'

I soo had to accept the party thing because i always have the best time. I hurry and texted him, and as always he reply instantly. I started jumping and laughing. 

Drake P.O.V

"Hey Bryan my buddy is throwing a party and he wants to know if i want to bring anyone. So do you want to go?" 


"Ok then we should start heading over." I said, we ran out to the car.


Sorry that all of Bryan's and Drake's dialogue is short. Dont for get to vote comment and fann

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