Chapter 6

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Author's Note: I changed something in the last chapter, if you dont want to go back and read it well ill just tell you. Drake and Kayla are not dating and besides that, that was the only thing changed. Also guys i need you to comment and tell me who you want Kayla to end up with. Or maybe i can make three different endings. Please comment and tell me which one you choose.

Kayla P.O.V

I laughted at Damon's attemp to trash talk. We were playing Mario Kart and i was winning, Damon was second and poor Bryan was in thrid place. I was almost to the finish line when Damon past me and got first. I yelled and laid face down on the carpet. I sat up and glared playfully at Damon who smiled at me. Drake came out and it was a little awkward because i think that i had a little to much to drink, and i think that it was a mistake to sleep with Drake. I gave the controller to Drake. I got up and walked to the kitchen. Damon and Drake sat with each other and noticed that i liked both of them. This is terrible i cant like both of them. What will i do to see which one i like more? Maybe I'll go on individual dates with them and just see.

So later i was alone with Damon. We were walking around the park and it started raining. Damon grabbed my hand and pulled me over to a shaded part of the park. I was laughing at the fact that i was completely soaked and so was he. His face was so close my nose brushed his. Our bodies pressed together and my back was pressed against the wall. I stared into his eyes that seemed to tell me another story everytime i looked in them. I pressed my lips against his but he pulled away.

"I can't kiss you. I shouldn't have kissed you."

"What are you talking about? Of course you can kiss me." I reached out to touch his arm but he pulled away. "Damon?" My voice was so small.

"Your with Drake."

"I'm not with him, i just kind of had sex with him-." I looked down at my shoes. "But it was a mistake. i was drunk and it didnt mean anything."

"It didnt mean anything?" I looked up to see Drake standing in the pouring rain. His voice sounded so hurt.

"Wait-." i didnt know what to say.

Drake took off and I looked up to Damon. He took off. I was left alone in the rain and i just lost two important people in my life. I slid down the wall and just sat there crying. I ended dragging myself back to my apartment and curled up in my bed still in my wet clothes. I cuddled a pillow and cried until i fell asleep. i wished when i woke up none of this ever happened.

I woke up shivering. i peeled off my clothes and slid into the shower. When i got out i went to check my phone. Nothing. Everything was the way it was last night. i had just ruined my friendships with the best people. I decided that i wasn't going to let this stop me. I got dressed and headed over to Damon's house.

He stood in the door way not even looking at me. "What do you want?"

"I need to talk to you, both of you."

"I'm not really in the talking mode. So could you just leave?"

"Damon look at me. I didnt mean to do this!" i was starting to get upset because they werent even giving me a chance.

"I don't want to talk. Just go!" He yelled with tears brimming in his eyes.

I clenched my jaw and fists with tears coming to my eyes. "Fine! I don't need you! I don't need any of you guys!"

I don't need them! I don't!

More and more I told people the more I realized that it was for me. I wasn't going to let this control my life. I pounded my hands against the steering wheel and screamed.

"I need them." I whispered.

How could I need them both. What if I only

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2015 ⏰

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