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"Hey, what can I get for you today?"

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"Hey, what can I get for you today?"

"Surprise me, but nothing to strong please" my head on the brink of falling on the counter. The bartender nodded, walking away to make me whatever drink they'd give me. I played with the rings on my finger until a glass landed in front of me.

"Thank you"

The bartender nods and walks away, i slowly drink whatever she had given me. Making sure I wasn't drinking it too fast.

I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket, i answered the call. "What happened?" were my first words I spoke to the person on the other side of the call.

"Where are you?"

"Cami?" My hand went to my head, a friend I hadn't talked to in a while spoke back to me.

"Where are you?" She spoke to me in a hurried voice. "I'm at the bar. Why?"

"Which fucking bar?" She began to get frustrated with my lack of detail in my whereabouts. "The one down Main Street. What the fuck is up with you?"

She huffed, "I'll be there in ten minutes"

Before I could say anything she hung up. I put my phone back in my pocket and finished my drink.

The bartender came back at took my empty glass. "You okay hun?" She asked sweetly. "Rough day" i smiled slightly and tilted my head, picking it straight up afterwards.

"Can I get a round of shots?" I spoke quickly, the bartender gave me a sympathetic smile. "Coming right up"

I waited patiently and silently until I heard footsteps coming from directly behind me. "You gonna take on those shots all on your own?"

Without a care of who it was, "I have a good enough reason to drink them on my own" I spoke back with a rude enough tone.

"Well that's no way to speak to a CEO you modeled for" the masculine voice spoke again. My head turned to see the man from earlier. Everest Belmont.

"As of right now, I'm a girl drinking away her sorrows. Entitled ass bitch"

"Excuse me? Where did you get entitled from?" He asked as if he was offended that I called him entitled.

"The fact that you think you automatically deserve respect just because your a CEO. Respect is earned, love, not given" I said. I laughed internally at the face he made. My guess? It's because I called him "love"

He sat down at the stool next to me. "Are you gonna drink what you ordered?" He changed the subject to my row of shots sitting in front of me.

I picked up a glass and and drank each one by one. Each drink hitting stronger than the last. "There"

"So then what's your good enough reason to drink so much?" He asked.

"You think a round of shots and a margarita is a lot to drink?" I asked back with a raised brow, "you must be fun at parties" I scoffed.

I look at him and see him stare at me with a stunned face.

Seconds later, the door of the bar opens. I turn my head and see Cami walking in, coming towards me.

"Guess what Alex did" she says, referring to her boyfriend? Friend with benefits? Friend? I don't know.

I raised my brows and opened my mouth to speak before being cut off by cami's phone ringing. She holds up her finger, making me pause with whatever I was going to say.

"What?" She speaks harshly into the phone. "No no no no, no! You did this to yourself. I sat and watched you do this even while deflecting on my help!"

I sat still in my seat watching and listening to her words, not knowing who she's talking to. She pulls the phone down from her ear and mouths to me, "give me one second"

I turn back into the counter and mess with the empty shot glasses in silence. The door opens again, hearing another person sitting right next to Everest made me turn my head.

Jesse Merlyn, from the photoshoot.

"Nice to see you again Azariella" he nods at me, "mhm" i return the kind gesture.

"What are you doing here?" Jesse spoke.

"Sitting, I haven't gotten a drink yet. Care to join?" Everest responded, in a much more sarcastic tone.

"I meant this late at night"

"I picked up my dad from rehab and I didn't want to stay with him" hearing that made me think, a lot more that I should've.

I shrugged it off and laid my head on the counter and closed my eyes, continuing to eavesdrop on the conversation.

"So when are you going back?" I heard Jesse speak, "whenever I feel ready to deal with him again!" Everest scolded at him.

The second everything went silent, another loud voice came back into the room. "Guess what this motherfucker told me?"

We all turned our attention on cami, letting her have her 'moment'.

"He decides to break things off with me, right? So I tell him to go fuck himself, blah blah blah. Stuff like that, and now he calls me victimizing himself!"

"He goes and says, shit regarding his past and that's his excuse to break things off with me! I saw him with another girl last week! His hands all over her fucking body!" She rants, and i don't think she stopped to catch her breath.

She sits next to me forcefully, "one round please" her voice was stern and harsh. I ran my hand up and down her back, trying to comfort her.

I hear a person laughing behind me, cami turns her head in a very slow yet fast manner.

"Shut the fuck up cunt" she says to whoever was laughing. "Are you drunk?" I whispered in her ear.

"I think. But I'm sober enough to cut off Alex's balls and shove them down his throat so he can shit them out at his new bitches place" she spoke incredibly fast.

My eyes widened at her specific threat. My mouth curved into a slight smile, "do you wanna stay here for a bit or you wanna go home?"

"Oh I'm staying" I nodded at her response, "well then I guess I'm staying" I sat comfortably in my seat playing with my bracelet and rings on my fingers and wrist.

Seconds of silence later, "Let me buy you girls a drink?" Jesse speaks up. He places a few bills on the countertop.

I rolled my eyes in the direction where no one could see, I sit silently drowning in my thoughts with noise coming from other customers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2021 ⏰

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