chapter 3: Over at the Frankenstein Place

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Soon they were at the front door. And Brad rang the doorbell. Katie looked at the door, still looking angry. Her hair was dripping and her clothes soaked, but she didn't care.

The door slowly creaked open and there came out a man who looked exhausted, wearing badly battered clothing and his hair looked greasy, long, and stringy, he glanced at all of the humans and noticeably caught a glimpse of Cherry, but looked back to everyone else. "Hello..." 

Cherry blinked as she stayed close with Katie. Janet looked terrified. 

"Hi, I'm Brad Majors and this is my fiancee, Janet Weiss and these are..." Brad starts, but was interrupted.

"Katie Duncan and Cherry Butler." Katie says calmly. Her eyes were angry though.

"Yeah, you got a phone for us?" Cherry asked then.

The man blinked at them. "You're wet..."

"Yes, it's raining..." Janet looked at him, looking back to the others. What was wrong with that guy?

Brad nodded "Can we use your phone?" He asks.

Katie looked at him. She liked the look of this man. A flash of lightning illuminated the man's face.

"I think perhaps you four better come inside..." the man told them with an eerie smile.

"You're too kind." Janet smiled as they came in together.

Cherry looked all around, this place somehow looked familiar to her, but it was still amazingly cool. Katie let them all go first. She had a brief moment of showing sadness before it turned to her anger again. Janet was still scared, especially when the man shut the door behind them, making her and Brad stare at him.

"I hear music," Cherry spoke up. "Is something happening?"

"You've arrived on a very special night..." the man slowly turned to them. "It's one of the master's affairs."

"Oh, lucky him..." Janet tried to sound friendly.

Katie noticed a pretty looking maid at the banister. The others looked as the maid laughed and slid down the banister. Katie crossed her arms lightly, scowling at the floor. The man smirked as the clock started to ring. Brad held Janet. The maid woman seemed to purposely knock Cherry over as she slid down the banister.

"Owch..." Cherry mumbled.

The woman then jumped down and came beside Brad and Janet as the man was by the clock as it tolled and opened up to reveal a dusty old skeleton. Katie helped Cherry up and 'accidentally' bumped Magenta. The man caught the feather duster and started singing with the maid grinning. Brad watched.

The man and woman seemed to make the guests go towards the doors and they opened to reveal a bunch of other people who were somehow singing along to the song they called The Time Warp. For some reason, Cherry already seemed to know how to do this dance as she did it with the others, unable to resist. Katie leaned against a pillar, huffing at all the happy party-goers.

The strange man and woman seemed to sing along with their own personal verses. Cherry stared at the red-haired woman as she was very mysterious and full of surprises. She felt very odd around her, though the woman had injured her in cases, but she couldn't keep away or look away. Katie watched, eyes dark. Brad stuck with Janet. 

There was another woman with a very high-pitched, chipmunk like voice who sang too, as the others danced. Janet was nervous still, though Brad seemed to be enjoying this song. Cherry was still wondering what the heck was going on, though she wasn't in as a bad mood as poor Katie. Soon enough, the song ended and the others fell right to the floor and just lay there. Katie rolled her eyes slightly.

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