Inifinity is My Own Burden to Bear

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A/N: Hey guys! I didn't forget about the 1000 read's special! I haven't updated on the actual story in a while is all! I wanted to know what you guys think about me doing some one shots? I'll do any anime's requested! Love you! n.n

Kid's P.O.V.

I walk down the halls of the DWMA, lost in thought. I'm heading to the Death Room, alone for a change. I need to figure out what happened to Maka, and I think my father knows more than he's letting on... I feel someone watching me from behind and I whirl around. The hallway is deserted. I must be paranoid. 

I reach the Death Room and my father is talking to Sid. I hide behind a wall and listen to their conversation.

"I know the risks of the relationship between Maka and Kid, but he is happy. Kid will soon realize what the drawbacks of a relationship with anyone is, just as I had with his mother. I loved her so much and even though I am immortal, I still loved her until her dying breath."

"She died on the battlefield but she would have died before me anyways. Immortality runs through Kid's veins and it is both a blessing and a curse." I cover my mouth as my father talks to Sid and my face pales considerably. 

I run from the Death Room and out of the school. I run and continue to run until I reach the Gallows Mansion. I run to my room and slam the door shut, locking it. I throw my fist against the wall and slow trickles of blood stream down my hands as I pound them into the wall.

"Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!" I scream over and over until my hands are covered in blood and my face is tear-stained. 

I will live forever and Maka won't. She will die and I will be alone forever. It's not just Maka either. Liz and Patty, Tsubaki and Blackstar, Crona and Ragnorak, Blair, Spirit, Stien, Soul. They'll all die and I will live on, alone and mourning.

It's not fair. I can't live like this. I sink to the ground helplessly. I'm afraid of losing her the most... My tears dry and I chuckle softly, pain in my chest.

I can't love anyone. Especially not Maka. The phone rings over and over and I ignore it's incessant ringing. I finally stand up and look at the clock hanging on the wall. It's six o'clock already... 

I walk to my sink and watch the blood flow down the drain. I walk to the kitchen, switching off the faucet. I wrap bandages around my bloodied hands and sigh. Liz and Patty watch me from the couch. Liz frowns and sits up.

"Kid? What happened? Are you okay?"

"Fine." I say curtly. Liz and Patty and I are inseparable so I will keep our relationship. The doorbell rings and I roll my eyes. Who could that be? It's Monday...

I open the door to see Maka, panting heavily and stray hair framing her soft, beautiful face. Warmth and happiness rushes over me and I struggle to keep myself from bursting into tears.

"What." I say coldly. Maka straightens up and her eyes show her confusion. She notices the bandages on my hands and her brows crease in concern.

"Kid?! I've been so worried. You didn't show up to class and... Are you okay?! What happened?" She reaches for my hands but I pull away from her. Hurt shows in her eyes and I cringe inwardly. I hate this...

"I need to talk to you." I say and step outside, shutting the door. Maka's eyes are dim and she nods.

"Are you okay?" She asks again, her voice strained and I can see how hurt she is. I swallow hard.

"I'm fine." I say shortly. "I want to tell you that, that..." I look at her eyes, so green and gorgeous. Her soft, golden hair a halo of light in the moon's embrace. Her skin soft and deliciously smooth. I can't hurt her. I don't want to but, I must. 

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