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A/N: I don't own Soul Eater or any of it's charcters.. Also!! Check out Bunnyslippers123's new chapter and character, Blue!! Hope you love her as much as I do!!

Maka's P.O.V.

Kid and I walk down the hallway to our next class in a silence that wasn't awkward. In fact, it was comforting. I walk with my hands behind my back and take this time to think. My cheeks were still a little red from my confrontation with Kid in our last class. My heart beat was still struggling to calm. I'm such a fool...

I really did want Kid to kiss me so, why didn't I let him? He was so close. His hands were so warm and... I touch my lips and blush even harder.

"Hey Maka?" I look up at Kid, startled.

"Y-Yes?" I stutter. Kid looks down into my eyes and stops walking. I stop too and Kid stands in front of me. His eyes are so beautiful. 

"I want you to know that I'm here for you okay? Whenever you need something, anything at all. I will be here. Also," I nod at Kid encouragingly. "I'm not giving up on you. I love you and you alone. Nothing will ever change that. Please, don't forget about this. Okay?" Kid looks into my eyes pleadingly. He holds my hands in his and I feel as if tiny sparks had been awakened all over me as he looks into my eyes.

Why me? What makes me so, different? I love him too much. I remember Soul. I know that he would be hurt by this, and it's killing me but, at the same time. I want Kid to hold me. I want him to hold my hand and tell me that he loves me over and over, and never stop. I feel my soul reaching out to him every time he's near. With him, I feel alive.

I love Soul too though, in a different way. I love him in the way that I know he will always be there for me and I will always be there for him. I will always love him but, Soul can't make me feel the way Kid can. Soul doesn't make my heart race.

"I promise I won't forget. Now, can you promise me something?" I look up at Kid and move closer to him. I wrap my arms around his neck and embrace him. I feel his hands slip automatically around my waist.

Kid's P.O.V.

As I hold Maka against me, I breath in the scent of her. She smells like rain. I can feel her warmth through her thin gray dress and I start to blush. Come on! Don't be a pervert. Focus on what Maka's about to say... I take a deep breath and try my best to focus on her voice.

"I love Soul, and that will never change." My heart skips a beat and I suddenly feel crushed and claustrophobic. "But, I don't love him in the way that I love you." My breath hitches in my throat. Hearing her say those three words to me is what I have only dreamed of. 

"Which is?" I whisper.

"I love you as if you were the sun. I need you in my life. I feel free around you and every time you look at me, my heart flips. I want you to only be mine, forever. Which is why I want you to promise me to never hate me. To never stop loving me, no matter what I do because... I can't and won't live without you Kid."

Proffesor. Stein's P.O.V. 

I walk to the Death Room, seeking Lord Death. As I enter, the shinigami turns to me and talks in that goofy voice of his.

"Hello Hello Proffesor. Stein! What's up?! How's it goin??" I wave my hand in greeting but don't smile.

"Hello Lord Death. I wanted to talk to you about your son and Maka Albarn. I think you may want to hear this." Lord Death looks at me quizzically and motions for me to continue.

"You see, I think Kid has become "fond" of Maka, that is, he's fallen in love with her." Lord Death claps his hands together.

"That's wonderful news! Miss Albarn is perfect for Kid." I shake my head.

"But that's just the thing. He's a grim reaper. Maka is a meister with weapon blood. It appears to me that her soul and Kid's are starting to bond. Soul and Maka's soul connection is still very strong but it seems like Maka and Kid's is getting stronger." Lord Death looks at me, confused.

"So.. what's the problem?" I sigh.

"I think having two compatible soul wavelengths available to Maka is great but, she has to chose one. Maka hasn't done that though and has decided to keep both wavelengths intact which is putting alot of strain on her soul.  I fear that the strain may enhance the leftover black blood in her body. If Maka's soul becomes too strained, it won't be able to fight off the madness the black blood brings and, I'm assuming you know why that's bad at least."

Lord Death nods his head and frowns. I wonder how Maka's soul is able to stand the strain of a Grim Reaper's waelength.

"Here's what we'll do." Lord Death says finally.

Maka's P.O.V. 

"I promise. I will never stop loving you Maka. It's not possible." My heart soars and I start to cry. I love Death the Kid. I move my face in front of his and smile. We are only a few spaces apart from each other. I can feel Kid's breath on my lips. He holds the back of my neck and tilts my head up. He starts to lean in close to me and this time, I won't stop him from kissing me. Every nerve in my body is screaming.

"Maka Albarn and Death the Kid, please report to the Death Room immediately." Seriously?! I pull away from Kid and groan. Kid frowns and shakes his head.

"I swear.. This better be important." Kid growls. I laugh and stand on my tiptoes. I kiss his cheek and whisper in his ear.

"I'm yours. You can kiss me whenever you'd like now. No need to rush." I take Kid's hand in mine and we start to walk to the Death Room. Once we arrive, I see Proffessor Stein standing next to Lord Death and frown. What's he doing here. I realize with a start that I'm still holding Kid's hand and look at him panicked but Kid just smiles at me.

"Father. What is it that you want." Lord Death looks at our hands and beams. He then clears his throat.

"I want you two to try to match soul wavelengths. I want you and Maka to try to fight Professor Stein. Kid, you will use Maka as your weapon, okay?" I look at Lord Death, stunned. Is he serious? I don't know if I can completely transform yet.

"Okay Father." Kid says. I can hear the surprise in his voice. Kid realease my hand. "Ready?" He asks. I nod and close my eyes, focusing on tranforming my body. I can feel mysel transfrom. My handle is black and my blade is as well. I'm a scythe, just like my Papa. Kid grabs my handle and runs toward Stein, swigning me at him. We can't hit him of course but I'm surprised Kid was even able to carry me.

"Kid, Maka, try to use your soul resonance." Professor Stein says. Kid nods.

"LET'S GO SOUL RESONANCE!" I can feel my body burning. It's so hot... too hot. A lound noise crashes through the Death Room and my body transforms back. Kid and I are thrown apart and we skitter across the floor.

"Ow." I mutter. I get up to reach Kid and give him a hand. He takes it but pulls his hand back. What was that? I felt a small shock when he tried to touch me. I reach down to take his hand again, frimly. The pain of the shock hurts so much. I let go of his hand and look at him, horrified. Kid stands and looks at me in pain.

"No." He whispers. I want to cry. He tries to touch my cheek and I wince when I feel the pain from his touch and he winces too. 

Why? Why me?? What happened? Why can''t I touch Kid? It's not fair.

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