Chapter 15

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At practice during the afternoon, Hinata approached me while I was filling up the water bottles and said "You should sit with us at lunch more often, you're so funny you even made grumpy Tsukishima laugh!" 

"I heard that!" Tsukishima shouted.

 I smiled and nodded. From a distance I noticed Kageyama looking rather angry while he rummaged through his bag. I walked over to him and said, "Are you looking for something?"

 "Yes, idiot now leave me alone!" Kageyama said, looking up. His expression softened when he realized who he was talking to. "Oh! y/n sorry I thought you were Hinata"

 "It's alright... anyway what's wrong?" I asked. 

"Well, I'm looking for a lucky charm my grandpa gave me. I keep it with me every practice but I can't seem to find it" Kageyama said sighing deeply. 

"I can help you find it if you'd like, what does it look like?" I asked. 

"It looks like a volleyball and at the top, my initials are engraved, TK," Kageyama said looking around. 

"I'll let you know if I see it," I said smiling. 

A couple of minutes later Coach Ukai told the boys to line up across the gym. He seemed to be giving them a pep talk. A lot of them looked nervous especially Yamaguchi, Hinata, and Asahi. A knock was heard at the gym door.

"Welcome back," Coach Ukai said. 

A lot of boys I didn't recognize walked into the gym. They wore red shorts with plain black shirts. A few of them had gym bags that said "Nekoma High School" They lined up on the other side of the gym. 

"Get the practice jerseys from the closet please." Coach Ukai said. 

 I nodded and hurried to the closet. I hastily grabbed the jerseys and handed them out to each of the boys. "Good luck" I said to Kageyama while handing him the jersey that had the number nine printed on it. He smiled and walked away.

 "Okay everyone you know the drill. This is a practice game. Try your best but don't fret too much!" Coach Ukai yelled. He blew his whistle which indicated the start of the game. 

Around halfway through the game, Coach Ukai yelled for a timeout. Panting, the boys joined me on the bench with Takeda and Ukai. I handed them water bottles to quench their thirst. "You guys are doing great but Nishinoya try to maintain your form and Kageyama step up your game, you're playing a bit off today." Coach Ukai said sternly. 

Kageyama looked upset. I assumed it was because he was missing his grandpa's lucky charm. The whistle rang and the game continued. It was a close tie throughout the entire game but Nekoma's setter pulled off a feint which gave them the last point for the win. "Wipe that frown off your faces! I told you not to worry about it too much, you played well. Every single one of you. Be proud of what you've done" Coach Ukai said attempting to motivate the boys who looked like they had just gotten their hearts broken.

 They took off their jerseys and handed them back to me. I held in a gag after catching a whiff of the smelly sweaty jerseys. I quickly walked to the closet to put them away. As I was leaving I caught a glimpse of something on the floor. Next to the clean uniforms was Kageyama's lucky charm. I picked it up and examined it. It looked just like he had described. I put it in my pocket and left the room to look for Kageyama. Most of the boys were talking to each other as well as the boys from the other team. 

As I walked past Tanaka I heard a boy he was talking to say "Woah is that your manager? She's cute."

 "Where's Kageyama?" I asked Hinata. 

"Oh he's at the vending machine, I saw him leaving" Hinata said smiling. 

"Thanks" I said smiling back.

 I walked to the vending machine where I usually saw Kageyama. He was sitting on a bench sipping on a carton of milk. I pulled the charm out of my pocket and handed it to him. "You found it? Where was it?" Kageyama asked excitedly. 

"It was next to a pile of uniforms" I said. 

"Thank you y/n this means so much to me, I could just kiss you right now" Kageyama said grinning. 

My eyes widened. A few seconds later his eyes widened as well. "I mean uh just thank you" Kageyama said quickly turning red from embarrassment. 

"No problem I'm glad I was able to help you" I said nodding. 

"Well I wanted to tell you that I miss our english lessons and frankly you're the best teacher I can find plus you heard what Coach Ukai said, if I fail my exams I can't play on the team anymore so I was wondering if you would tutor me in english again?" Kageyama asked. 

"Of course. I know how much volleyball means to you." I said smiling. 

We both heard thunder and minutes later It started pouring. "Shoot I don't have an umbrella." I said groaning.

 "I have one, we can walk home together if you want. I don't want you to get rained on" Kageyama said. I nodded in agreement. 

We walked home together under his umbrella. I didn't know why but while I was walking with him I felt an odd sense of safety and protection. 

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