The Wedding

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Ethan awoke the sounds of chirping birds. The window was open and today was bright summer day.

Perfect for the wedding.

"About time you got up." he heard Alcinas voice coming from the vanity across the room. She sat in front of her mirror and put on her make-up for their special day. They have been together for just one and a half month but it just felt right. They had a special bond and didn't want to waste any more time.

He got up and kissed Alcina on the shoulder. "Good morning, my wife." he whispered into her ear.

She closed her eyes and smiled. Oh how she loved these little details, these little signs of affection. "Not quite. We've got about two hours left, so chop chop. Get dressed and I'll see you at the altar."

Ethan kissed her one last time on the head and took a sniff of her perfume before leaving. "I love you." he said.

Alcina smiled back at him. "I love you too."

Two hours later, Ethan was waiting at the altar in the small village church for his bride. Was he nervous? No. He was terrified. He was about to marry a fucking vampire, for gods sake. But the love he felt for Alcina was stronger than any of his fears. Besides, there was nothing left for you. He couldn't return to his own life and he didn't want to.

The only other people present were the local priest, Chris Redfield and Jill Valentine as witnesses, little baby Rosemary as the ringbearer and the bridesmaids, Alcinas daughters: Bela, Cassandra and Daniela. All of them wore fine victorian style dresses and their hairstyle was different as well. Ethan almost didn't recognize them without the blood around their mouths and the black robes. But after Mother Mirandas death she had ordered them to wear their old dresses from now on.

Ethan didn't spent much time with the daughters while he had returned to the castle but he could tell that much: Bela, the blonde one, was at least open minded and liked him but she certainly wouldn't just accept him as a father figure. Cassandra, the brunette one, hated him with all her guts. In her eyes, he was competition for her mother's love. And the readhead, Daniela... well she was exited about all this. But she was also the most unstable one of the three, even hallucinating from time to time if she didn't take her medicine.

The doors to the church opened and there she was. Alcina, wearing a custom made white silk dress. She slowling walked towards Ethan, gaving her daughters a smile along the way.

"My friends, we have gathered here today to witness the union between Ethan Winters and Alcina Dimitrescu. It is said that love conquers all and this is a really special case." the priest said. No one else in the villae wanted to attend the wedding. With Mother Miranda gone, her powers over the village was broken. She no longer controlled them. With their minds now cleared, no one wanted anything to do with the scary tall woman and her daughters that live in the castle.

On the upside, the village was now no longer cut off from the outside world. Any travelers that came through or new farmers that began cultivating the land were told stories about werewolf attacks and the alledged vampires living in the castle towering above the village. Of course they all dismissed it as the rumors of a typical backwater village.

"Please read your vows." the priest said after he was done with the formalities. Chris stepped forward and held up Rose with the box.

Ethan took the box and started first. "Alcina, when I first met you I was scared to the core. You were so beautiful and elegant but also very dangerous. It took me a while to see bind that mask and see the real you: a loving mother. You fought for your children and for me, protected me. To be honest, I am still a bit scared by the prospect of marrying into a noble family." Of course, this wasn't the whole truth but he couldn't say that in front of the priest. "But the feelings I have for you are stronger than my fear. I will do my best to be a good father to your children and I promise to honor you, never lie to you and always be there when you need me. In good and bad times, in sickness and in health."

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