Everyday life

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"Now, let's try it again: When did Romania declare war on Austria-Hungary?" Ethan asked his children, Constantine and Rosemary. They were currently in the library and, like every morning, it was time for their study sessions. Today, it was history.

"On the 27th of August, 1916." Constantine said.

His mother, Alcina Dimitrescu, was sitting next to them and smiled. "Very good. But let's move on to more difficult questions. It's good to know the facts, but you have to understand the context around the events."

Like Alcina had promised at the altar, their children would receive the best education possible. At first they thought about sending them away to boarding schools and universities across europe, but it was decided that they were safer by staying in the castle. Given the enourmous amount of books, that proved not to be a problem. Alcina and Ethan began teaching their children at a very young age, educating them in history, philosophy, art, science, languages, math, theology  and even giving them music lessons.

And if some information was not available, Ethan could simply search for it in the internet. The future was arriving in the castle very slowly, as Alcina didn't want the children to be "spoiled by the wonders of modern technology". Nevertheless, she agreed to install a cinema room in the castle, where the entire family would watch movies together, mostly on the weekends. For now, they were watching old, Black and White films but they would one day move on to modern movies.

Ethan noticed Daniela entering the library and said a quick hello before taking one of the books and retreating into a corner where she started reading the book.

"What do you got there, Daniela? A romance novel?" Ethan asked.

Danielas cheeks immediatly turned red and she hid the book from his view. "No!" she denied. Of course, that was a lie. Everyone knew that she was reading these books, she sometimes spent hours every day in the library reading these novels. Yet despite everyone knowing about her "secret", she continued to deny it.


"Aren't they the cuttest?" Cassandra asked.

"They sure are." Bela agreed. Alcina had recently given birth to two more children, twins. Another boy, George, and a girl named Francesca. The three daughters loved them like crazy.

"I wanna eat them right up." Cassandra commented, looking down at her siblings in the crib.

"Not literally I hope." Ethan muttered to his wife. She simply patted his cheek, giving him a look that made it clear that he had nothing to worry about. Of course, Ethan knew they wouldn't actually do it but he was well aware of the strength

"You know they are just playful." she told Ethan and took baby George, holding him in her arms. "You are so pretty, little one." she said to the baby, her voice gentle and smooth like silk. George giggled and reached out with his arms for his mother, getting a hold of her breast.

Seeing this, Ethan couldn't help but smirk. "Seems he takes after his father."

Realizing what her husband meant by that, she gave him a little shove. "Honey! Not in front of the children." she protested, yet couldn't help but smirking.

"Father, Mother? Where do your babies come from?" Cassandra asked.

"Cassandra, we know that already." Bela said.

Her sister grinned. "I know, but I wanna hear Mother and Father say it."

Ethan blushed but Alcina rolled her eyes. "Now now, daughters. Behave."

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