The Tower

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"Well what did you find out?" Bela asked, still exited and eager to get some action.

"It... looks like we need to find the face to the right statues." Ethan told her after examining the description of the statues and the door." Any idea where to look for them?

Bela's face lit up and she jumped in exitment. "I think I do. Remember these statues in some of the halls?"

He nodded. "I think I know which one you means. The two in the main building."

Bela grinned. "Yes. Let's split up. You take the two in the Main building and I get the rest. There is one in the basement and one the roof."

"The roof?"

"It's an old castle. And our family always had... exquisite taste." she tried to explain.

"That's one way of putting it." he said to himself. "Well then, let's not waste any time."

Bela smiled and left in a cloud of bugs. Ethan went to get the angels face. The statues were hard to overlook after all, and by now he knew every corner of the castle.

 The statues were hard to overlook after all, and by now he knew every corner of the castle

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Well... almost every corner, it seemed. Just what was behind that door? He was about to find out.

Bela soon returned to him in the hall with her two faces, a big grin on her face. "You like that, don't you?" he asked, happy to see her having so much fun."

"This is amazing, it's just like in one of my novels. I wonder what treasure waits us." There was a fire in her eyes.

Ethan took all of the four faces and smiled. "Well, let's find out."

After placing the last face into the statue, a loud sound merged from the door. It was open. What awited them behind it? Gold? Jewels?

Bela and Ethan walked through a little corridor and were hit by the icy cold of the mountains. The door lead to a bridge, with a tower on the other side of it.

Alcina had told Ethan that the tower was sealed off many years ago because it was in risk of collapsing. "Come on." Bela said, floating towards the tower.

Ethan tried to catch her. "Wait, it may not be safe!"

Bela ignored his words, flying into the tower. "Come on, father! Nothing to worry about." she shouted.

He sighed and muttered "That girl..." before jogging up the stairs and into the tower. I turned out to be church, clearly abandoned for many years.

"Look." Bela said, pointing towards the altar. Or at least, where should have been one. A large coffin lay there instead. Ethan walked up to it.

He opened the coffin and a foul odor immediatly hit him. "Good god!" he said, holding an arm to his nose to protect himself from the bad smell.

There was a corpse in the coffin. Not a skeleton like he expected but a corpse, dressed in black. What peaked his interest however was the weapon he held. A dagger.

Overcoming his disgust, he took the dagger from the corpse, holding it up. "Why were you hidden away?" he muttered. It felt heavy in his hand, the grip was very decorated. If he would have to guess, it was made from obsidian. This was definitly worth a lot. He turned to Bela. "I think we actually found a real treasure." Bela jumped up and down in exitment.

"What are you doing here?" he heard behind him

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"What are you doing here?" he heard behind him. Swirling around, he saw his wife. How the hell did they not hear her coming?"

"Mother we found a treasure!" Bela told her happily and with a smile.

Alcina looked at the dagger and her eyes widened in shock. She turned to her daughter. "Leave us."

Bela was a little confused but obeyed. "Yes Mother."

As soon as she disappared, Alcina walked over to Ethan and took the dagger from him. "What were you thinking?" she hissed at him, clearly upset.

"I don't know what you mean. Shouldn't we be here?"

"No you shouldn't." she hissed. Ethan had never seen his wife so terrified. What was happening?

He reached for her hand. "Darling, calm down. Take a deep breath and explain it to me."

Alcina did as he suggested and she indeed calmed down. There was nothing to worry about. "This is the 'dagger of deaths flowers', a weapon drenched in the most toxic poisons in all of europe. The man in the coffin was a villager that tried to kill me. As you can see, he failed and I hid the dagger here in this tower along with his corpse. Then I sealed the entrance." she explained to him.

Her husband nodded after hearing the story. "Why didn't you destroy it?"

She rolled her eyes. "I tried, the thing is sturdier than it looks. And since burying it in the woods or something like that didn't seem safe enough, I hid it in my castle where I would be able to keep an eye on it."

"Could... could this weapon actually kill you?" Ethan asked carefully.

She nods. "Quite possibly." She looked at the weapon for a while, inspecting it from every angle. Then suddenly, she presented it to Ethan. "I want you to have it."

His eyes widened. "W-What?"

She smiled down at him. "It will be safe with you and I want to show you how much I trust you." Alcina placed the dagger in his hand and declared. "I trust you with my life. And should I ever betray you in any way, I want you stab me in the heart with it."

Slowly, he wrapped his fingers around the weapon, accepting it. He looked into her eyes and saw love and devotion. It warmed his heart. She used to be the one that held all the power in their relationship. And now she was willing to give it up. For him.

"Thank you. I'll take good care of it." he promised. 

Holding hands, they left the tower with a huge smile on both of their faces.

AN: A bit of a short chapter today :D

Seems like they didn't find any real trasure, but perhaps that may change soon ;) I am also thinking about bringing one of the other three houses back, in some form or another, since they came a little short in my Prequel.

Let me know your thoughts and don't forget to like! See you soon

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