~Mighty Ducks: 1~

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Skating. That's all Sophia was thinking about. Skating on the pond was her favorite thing to do in the winter. It gave her peace and let her forget about her problems. She couldn't really skate much this winter. She was too busy helping Hans with his store. Her dad, Gordon Bombay used to play hockey and would always hang around in Hans' store till he decided to randomly quiet and became a lawyer. Sophia was never really around her dad that much. He was too busy with his lawyer stuff and he made her live with Hans. It was fine because Sophia and her dad never really got along. He gave her to Hans when she was really young while he was working hard as a lawyer. One night, Sophia was out skating on the pond, the one where the neighbor kids try to play hockey on. She was skating peacefully till she heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and was met with her dad. He had skates in his hand.

"Can I join you?" he asked.

She looked down at her feet, "Yea, sure."

He got skates on and started skating with her. He started skating around the pond and then practiced his stopping. Sophia was working on a routine that she wanted to do to keep her mind off of some stuff. After a while, her dad laid down in the snow while Sophia kept skating. He sat up and watched her.

"You're pretty good, Sophie."

She stopped and looked at him, "Thanks, why are you out here?"

"Oh, long story. I started coaching a hockey team. They're your age. They're not good but we're working on it."

"I thought you hated kids and hockey."

He chuckled, "I know but it is for community service."

"Can they skate?"

"Barely. You want to help?"

Sophia smiled, "Sure, I need something to do. Hans is making me learn how to sharpen skates and I'm kinda scared."

He laughed, "Come on, let's get you home and I'll pick you up tomorrow. I can't stay, I have to talk to someone."

Sophia nodded and walked home with her dad. He told her all about the team and what he did to them last game that made a kid quit. It was the next day, Sophia put her hair up in a bun and went downstairs. Hans gave her a funny look, "You never wear something like that."

"I know but dad is picking me up to meet his team and I don't want to look bad."

He chuckled then the door opened and kids started running around the place. Sophia looked at Hans and then her dad walked over to them, "This is your team?" she asked.

He nodded, "I'm letting them pick out their gear because they didn't have proper ones."

Some boys were punching each other with gloves while one was trying on goalie pants. She walked over to the sticks. A kid with a hat on was sliding his fingers across them. He grabbed one and they all fell. He tried to catch them but failed. He crossed his arms as if nothing had happened. Sophia laughed and walked over. He looked at her, "Sorry." he said.

"It's fine, I have never seen a person try and grab a stick and failed but thanks for the laugh."

He put his hand out, "I'm Charlie Conway."

"Sophia Bombay." she said, shaking his hand.

"You're Coach's daughter?"

She chuckled, "Yeah, he never likes talking about that. I'm going to be helping him with his hockey team and I'm guessing that you're on it?"

Charlie couldn't stop looking at her, "Um...Yeah. I love playing hockey. Do you play?"

She shook her head, "I don't really like it. I love to skate though."

He smiled and helped her pick up the sticks. After that Sophia stood next to her dad, they watched a boy help Charlie get a stick out the ice display. Her dad tapped one of his players on the shoulder, "Who is that kid?" he asked.

"Fulton Reed. He's in one of my classes."

Another kid came up behind them. Sophia's dad looked at them, "How come he's not on the team?"

"He only plays football. Some preppie school gave him a scholarship...as long as he doesn't play hockey. They don't want him gettin' hurt." the other kid told him.

Sophia looked at Fulton. He could be a good hockey player, "I heard it was colleges. He's already been accepted to four of 'em."

The kid who was struggling to try on goalie gear walked up behind them, "Yeah, but I heard he's gotta repeat the sixth grade."

Sophia laughed. All three of the boys looked at her, "Oh, I'm Sophia Bombay."

They all looked at her. The blonde put his hand out, "Guy."


"Jesse, nice to meet you."

She nodded and walked around the store. Her dad spent seven thousand two hundred forty-two and eight hundredths dollars on gear. Sophia thought he was crazy on spending that much money but it was for the team. Sophia said goodbye to Hans and went with her dad and the team. She talked with Charlie the whole way to the rink.

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