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They were sitting in the locker room getting ready. Sophia was reading her new book. Charlie sitting right next to her. He looked at the book, "New book, I see."

She put it down, "Yep, finished the other one yesterday. New book means a new essay."

He chuckled, "What's it called?"

Sophia showed him the cover, "'The Face on the milk carton.' a lot of good twists." (I haven't read the book but want to)

"Seems spooky."

She shrugged and went back to her book. Karp was shoving Peter into a locker for some reason but Sophia didn't care. The door opens and Adam Banks walks in. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at him. Sophia grabbed her clipboard and book and stood next to Charlie. Bombay walks in, "Hey. Wasn't sure if you'd show up."

"Yeah, whatever. I just want to play hockey."

"Good. Ducks, you all know Adam Banks."

Charlie and Sophia walked forward, "On behalf of the Ducks, we'd like to say welcome."

Jesse stood up and stopped them, "Cake-eater."

"Ooh, the Jess-man, dissin' the new guy! The Jess-ster!"

"Shut up, Averman!"

"It's just a joke."

Jesse walked up to Adam, "Puttin' on a Ducks jersey doesn't mean you're a real Duck."

He then walked out of the room. Everyone followed him. Sophia stayed and stood next to her dad. "They're a good group once you get to know 'em."

"I bet."

Sophia nodded, "Hi, I'm Sophia but everyone calls me Fifi."

He shook her hand and Sophia left to go to the bench. Charlie waited for her, "I think it takes time for the rest of the team to like him."

Charlie nodded, "Yeah, he seems like a nice guy."

"Well, shall we get going?"

He nodded and they walked up to the rink. It was 0-1 and Adam was open at the goal. They were passing it to each other and not to Adam. Sophia was getting a little pissed by the way they were acting. "Pass it to Banks!" her dad yelled.

Charlie passed it to Adam and he scored. They cheered. Everyone on the ice but Jesse went up and high-fived him. They were now tied. One to one.

"Goldberg, you're gonna sit this one out."

Sophia looked at her dad like he was crazy. Karp looked at him, "What? You're pulling the goalie when we're tied?"

They were all talking at the same time. "Listen, listen, listen! A tie isn't gonna help us. We need the win. Okay, Fulton, you're our extra man. Everybody, get the puck to Fulton. That's your job."

"We pulling the Statue of Liberty play?"


"No, take your shot. You may only get one, so it's gotta be good."

"But, coach, one outta one?"

"Soft hands, Fulton. Concentration, not strength." Guy said, giving Connie a wink.

Sophia smiled and thought how cute Connie and Guy were. But she got back on track. "That's right! Okay? Let's get the Huskies!"

They all started cheering. They had sixteen seconds left. Adam passed the puck to Fulton but one of the Huskies took the puck from him. Fulton pushed him down and got the puck again. Sophia was getting excited and started jumping. "Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot, Shoot!" they yelled.

He shot the puck and everyone started to duck. It went through the net. The buzzer goes off. They won! Sophia jumped up and down, hugging her dad.

"We won!"

They cheered, "We made the play-offs!"

They all jumped off the bench and ran off to Fulton. They continued to cheer. Sophia hugged Charlie and started yelling "WE WON!"

A/n: sorry for the short chapter but I'm trying to get some stuff in and some stuff in a different chapter if you understand that

On the Ice {Charlie X OC}Where stories live. Discover now