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Bombay and Sophia used a rope to tie the team together. They all groaned and grumbled. Sophia tried not to laugh at how they were all smush together. Sophia skated away and stood next to her dad.

"This is more crowded than a truckload of goats." Dwayne pointed out.

Julie looked mad, "Somebody better watch their hands."

"Yeah, someone licked me!" Averman added.

"Oh, I smell somethin'. Eewh."

"Eewh." everyone said.

Sophia smelled something bad and plugged her nose. They all look at Goldberg seeing that he wasn't phased, "Goldberg!"

"It wasn't me."

Dean smiled and raised his hands in the air, "No, it was me!"

They all groaned. "Thank you." Goldberg said.

Bombay blew his whistle and everyone got quiet, "I don't know how to make this any clearer. You are a team. And to win this thing, you have to work as one. Now as one, skate."

They all went in different directions, falling on top of each other. Sophia just stood there and watched. Bombay smiled, "Everyone goes their own way, everyone falls down. Now get up and try it again."

They all got up and Sophia had to retire them together.

"All right, all of you move to your right. Now." Dean said.

Fulton looked pissed, "Who made you boss? Everyone to the left."

Everyone moved left or right and fell again. Sophia was feeling bad for them but Bombay just smiled, "You guys can argue all you want, but Fifi and I are not untying you until you move as one."

Sophia tied them up one last time and skated backwards while they moved as one and went in the same direction.

"Now you're learning! Communication! That's it!" Bombay said, clapping his hands together, "Good, together. Move together. Charge! All right! Right turn! Turn right."

They all turned right and didn't fall. "Yeah, that's it! That's it! All right! Knock wood, Charlie."

The Ducks did it two times and untied themselves after they did a good job. Sophia stood next to Charlie who was kneeling on the ice. Her dad picked up the rope and walked around the team.

"You guys are startin' to look like hockey players. I'm proud of ya, team. You worked hard today. But hockey should also be fun. Rancher Dwayne."

"Yes, sir!"

Bombay threw him the rope, "Round me up some stray cattle there."

Sophia smiled and skated away. "Uh-oh." someone said.

Dwayne looked at the Ducks and smiled, "My pleasure!"

Everyone got up and skated away from Dwayne. He started spinning the rope around his head and went after Averman. He was out. Dwayne went after Sophia but she skated away, fast. He gave up and went after Charlie. Charlie was skating backwards trying to dodge Dwayne but failed. Sophia laughed and Charlie nudged her. He got Julie then went after Sophia. She spined around him but he got the rope over her. She laughed and fell onto the ice. Charlie came over to help her up but she pulled him down with her. He started laughing too. Bombay shook his head and laughed as well. After everyone got out, Dwayne taught them some square dancing. Sophia laughed while watching Charlie and Goldberg doing it in a different way. She was getting it down, easily. She helped her dad with it. He had a little trouble then added his own moves to it. Averman added some disco to it. Everyone was getting along and laughing together. Practice was over and everyone went into the locker room to get dressed. Sophia put on a white shirt with a flannel over it and some jeans. 

On the Ice {Charlie X OC}Where stories live. Discover now