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Charlie was sitting in science class. They were learning about atoms. He didn't really pay attention and started thinking about Bombay and Sophia. How they left and aren't coming back.

"That's right. The red is oxygen. Now what are the blue balls?" his teacher asked.

The students giggled. The teacher looked at Tommy, "Tommy?"


He smiled, "Is correct. Now put them together, and you have a molecule that makes up 96% of your body. What is it?"

"Pizza?" Tommy asked and everyone giggled.

The principal started knocking on the door. He looked at the door, "It's the principal. I'll be right back. Work on H2 CO3. It's a goody."

He left and Karp turned to Charlie, "How'd the forfeit go, Spaz-way?"

"Yeah, did you score?" Peter asked.

"Leave me alone, guys. I don't want to talk about the team."

"Oh, yeah, sure. Sophia lover. Everybody knows you like her."

"Yeah and her dad liking his mom, you mean."

Charlie pushed his desk and stood up grabbing Karp, "Take that back! Take it back now!"

Connie pushed Karp away from Charlie, "Leave him alone."

"You have no right shoving Karp." Peter said, pushing Connie.

"Don't push me."

Guy pushed his desk, "Don't push her, she's a girl!"

"Lay off!"

"Don't shove Peter."

They all started getting up, shoving and yelling at each other. Some threw the atoms at each other. "Atoms away!"

Tommy went under his desk and hid so he wouldn't be in the fight. The teacher and principal ran in. "My atoms!"

"You! Sit!" she said, pointing at Charlie.

They all started getting back to their desks, "Sit, now!"

Everyone was sitting down but Charlie. Someone took his seat. He put his arms behind his back and smiled. The principal looked at them, "I have never in my life..." Everyone was smiling, "What have you got to say for yourselves?"

"Quack. Quack, quack, quack, quack!" they all started chanting.

Sophia was sitting at the cash register working on her essay about 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. Hans brought her some hot chocolate while she worked. No one really comes to the store during the day so she didn't have to worry about anyone interrupting her. The door opened and she looked to see who it was. Her dad walked over to her. She put her pencil down and looked at him.

"Get your shoes. We're going to get the team."

She smiled and gathered her stuff and ran to get her gear. She said goodbye to Hans and jumped into the car, "What changed your mind?"

"I got fired from my job. And we are going to beat the Hawks at the play-offs."

She smiled, "I'm glad you changed your mind."

He smiled at her, "I'm glad too."

They pulled up to the Ducks school and walked inside. A bell rings while they walk into the office. The lady looked at them, "Excuse me. There are some students here that I'd like to see."

The principal looked at him, "Who are you?"

"I'm their hockey coach." he said, handing her a piece of paper with everyone's names on it, "If you can tell me where I can find each of them, please."

She looked at the paper then back to Sophia and Bombay, "They're in room 223."

Sophia looked at her, "All of them?"

"All of them."

Sophia found out they got detection because they quacked at the principal. She couldn't stop laughing till she got to the room. They walked inside.

"I will not quack at the principal." they said, writing it on the chalkboard.

Karp looked at them, "What do you guys want?"

"We want to talk to you guys. Well, mainly me."

"People." Tammy said.

"People, right. Sit down, please. All of you."

No one listened and just looked at him, "Okay, don't sit down. Look, what's done is done. I want to be your coach again."

Averman walked up behind him, "You wanna coach a bunch of losers?"

"No, I want to coach the Ducks."

"What about the things you said? You said we didn't deserve to live."

Bombay put his hands on his hips, "Karp, I was being sarcastic. Do you know what that means?"

"No." he said in a sarcastic tone.

"Okay, then you do. I didn't mean those things the way they sounded. You guys know what it's like to be misunderstood, right?"

"Yeah, of course. We're kids." Peter said.

"So...Can you forgive me? Can I be your coach again?"

"What about Banks?" Guy asked.

"He can be on the team if he wants. He should have been with us all year. It's you guys who got cheated. Let's forget all that crap! We're a team, right?"

Sophia smiled and looked at Charlie, "Yeah." they all said.

Bombay stood in front of Charlie, "I made you guys, and I'm sticking with you."

Charlie smiled. Bombay clapped his hands together, "So, what's it gonna be? We can play tomorrow night and still have a shot at the play-offs...or we can forfeit again and the season's over. Peter, what do you say?"

"Well... I guess it would help if we practiced first."

Sophia smiled and looked at her dad, "All right. Let me see if I can get you out of detention."

They all smiled. Bombay looked at them, "You really quacked at the principal?"

Everyone chuckled, "Yeah."

"Are we Ducks, or what?"

"Yeah!" they all cheered.

Sophia ran over and hugged Charlie. He smiled and fluttered a little. She took his hat and placed it on her head, "Glad to be back."

He smiled, "Glad to be back too."

On the Ice {Charlie X OC}Where stories live. Discover now