How You Met

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Randall "Pink" Floyd~ You went to one of your high school football games, and as you were sitting in the stands, you couldn't help but focus on the quarterback. You knew that you had seen him a couple times in the halls, but you have never spoken to him before which caused you to believe that he had no clue that you existed. Your mindset changed though when you saw that he sent a wink in your direction and also a smile after the game was over. What suprised you even more was that on your way back to your car you heard a voice yell "Hey wait up." along with the sound of footsteps. You stopped in your tracks and turned your head to see who was calling for you. You felt your face heat up when you realized that it was the quarterback that had winked at you. The two of you talked for a little, getting to know eachothers names and other basic stuff like that. The two of you hit it off well, and the two of you exchanged numbers at the end of the night.

Mitch Kramer~ On the last day of eight grade, right as you were going to be a freshman, you along with a few of your friends were walking out of your classroom and down the halls of the school. Luckily, you were a girl so you knew that their were most likely not going to be any antics that would effect you. But with that being said, other people were not so lucky. You said bye to your friends and started to walk home, but as you were doing so someone smacked into you with enough force to throw you to the ground. "Ow." you said as you rubbed arm that had hit the ground, breaking your fall. "I'm so so so sorry, I'll make it up to you." the boy responded before getting up and continuing to run. You understood the frenzy that he was in, but with that being said, you were kind of ticked off that he didn't even check to see if you were okay. Shaking it off though, you got up and continued on your way back to your house.

Slater~ As you were backing out of your parking spot at the school, you accidently hit a person that walked behind you, making you rest you head on your hand in annoyance before getting up and out of the car and walking over to the person to see if they were okay. You assumed that he was okay since you were literally going three miles per hour, but anyway you were still freaked out and  said "Are you okay? I'm sorry I didn't see you run out behind me." kind of frantically. "Yeah yeah, I'm fine but I think you need to calm down a little bit." the guy said holding out a joint for your to smoke. You raised your eyebrow not being able to comprehend that he didn't lash out for hitting him, but also you were suprised that he would give you a joint for hitting him when in reality you probably should have given him a joint. You took the joint from his hand and lit it after. You helped him get back up and offered to drive him home. He agreed and the two of you discussed the weirdest things on the car ride.

Kevin Pickford~ You were new to town and had just moved into a house in the middle of the suburbs. As you were unpacking some of your things, you noticed a guy about your age walk out of his house and down to his car that was parked in the driveway. Not paying attention to what you were doing though, you tripped over a crack in the drive way and luckily saved yourself from falling, but the box in your hand was not as lucky. The contents spilled everywhere and immediately felt a wave of embarrassment flow through you as you noticed that the guy was looking right at you. "Do you need some help?" He yelled over to you and yelled back "If your not busy, otherwise I could do it myself." you responded. He got out of his car and walked over and helped you carry everything back into your house. The two of you introduced yourself more formally and that's how the two of you met.

Wooderson~ You were sitting in your car at a local restuarant and as you were doing so, you noticed a car pull up next to you and roll down their window. "You look like the type of girl that likes to party, there's one tonight if you are interested in coming." the man asked smirking at your flirtatiously. "Sweet, I'll be there." you responded winking at him and continuing what you were doing. He drove off into the distance, and as he did you clapped your hands together happy that you would might actually be able to have an interesting night for once.

If anyone wants to request something for me to write I'll be more than happy to do so!

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If anyone wants to request something for me to write I'll be more than happy to do so!