~ Chapter 15 ~

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Oliver flipped the ring in his fingers again and again while he was watching the press conference. Felicity looked so beautiful, and so radiant... She belonged in that world. The world that allowed her to show how smart she was, and how diligent she was in helping people.

All she ever wanted to do was help people.

So, maybe Oliver should have let her join them in this crusade against the people poisoning his father's city.

But, then she would be in more danger than normal, and he didn't know how he would deal with that. Could he protect her and the city at the same time?

But, he couldn't help but to be sad at the fact that she fit into that world, a world without him. She looked so happy, so better off in that world. He looked at Ray's mouth moving, speaking of something that Palmer Industries was going to do, but he wasn't listening. He didn't want to listen.

Ray Palmer made his blood boil. The way he looked at Felicity when she wasn't looking. It was obvious that he felt something for her, but looking at Felicity when she wasn't paying any attention was Oliver's thing. It was their thing.

Ray Palmer had no right to try and mess that up.

"Oliver, are you seeing this?" Tommy walked in, completely interrupting Oliver's thoughts of Ray Palmer.

Probably saving Palmer's life in the process, because Oliver had already come up with 147 ways to kill the bastard.

He was waving his tablet around that was on the same channel that Oliver was currently watching.

Oliver just looked at him, and Tommy saw what he was watching, and kind of gave an "oops" look.

"Oh, I see you have seen this." Tommy said, putting his tablet down and turning about to watch the TV.

Oliver wasn't even paying attention to what was being said... He was just staring at Felicity and wishing that they hadn't fought. He hated when they fought.

He regretted it now, wishing that he would have just held her in his arms longer, and wouldn't have let her go, again. It seemed that he always made his biggest mistakes when it came to Felicity.

Obviously, his heart wanted her, but his mind knew that he coudn't have her.

"She isn't wearing her ring." Tommy gasped, looking at Oliver.

Oliver just nodded, holding the ring up to Tommy to show him.

"She threw it at me." He muttered.

"Oliver, what happened?" Tommy asked.

"Dig found her drunk out of her mind, so he brought her here. And, I asked her about it, and she blew up on me, blaming me. Tommy... I... I deserved it, I know that. Especially after everything I've done." Oliver shrugged.

"Stop blaming yourself, Oliver. She's the one that picked up the bottle." Tommy said.

"Yeah, but it's because I came back that she picked it up in the first place!" Oliver yelled.

Tommy just looked at Oliver, dumbfounded and speechless.

"I shouldn't have come back. It's only hurt her." Oliver sighed with a pained tone.

"Oliver... you just need to talk to her-"

"I've tried talking... It doesn't work, Tommy. All we do is fight." Oliver interrupted him.

"No, what you're doing isn't talking, Oliver. Maybe if you just sat down and talked to her, like two human beings having a casual conversation, things might be better. You know... Instead of picking fights with her, and blowing up at each other like you've been doing, because that obviously isn't doing anything." Tommy shrugged.

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