Chapter 4: Bangs

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She stood in front of the mirror, scissors in hands. Was this really the right choice? Just one snip. One snip and it will be done. Kinoko took a deep breath, preparing for this thing she may regret in the future. Or not? There was a knock at the door.

"Uh- I'm busy!"
The girl panicked. She tripped over her own feet, dropping the scissors on the floor.

"Darling? Is everything alright?"
One of her mothers opened he door. A squat, plump woman with a similar mushroom cut entered. Her eyes locked on her daughter and in disappointment, she shook her head.

"Mom-? I can explain!"
Kinoko cried out.
Her mother simply ignored her and picked up the scissors, gesturing to her child to follow her. Kinoko obeyed. Usually her other mother was one to be feared. A tall, strong woman with an icy cold glare. But when momma got angry, it could get nasty. Both entered the crafting room. A place where her mom would make beautiful Lolita inspired dresses for Kinoko to show off. The young girl shut her eyes, preparing for the worst and her mom closed the door behind them.

"Kinoko, darling. Did something happen at school?"
Her mom asked. Her daughter shook her head no.

"Momma Gen, I promise nothing happened! I just need a change! A practical change! Can be good for fighting villains-"
She was cut off.

"Who told you that?"
Gen Komori asked.

Komori smiled.
"I met Hawks! He said it mush be hard to see with my bangs. So why not! If Hawks says it's a good idea then it musht be!"

"If Hawks said to jump off a bridge, would you do it?"
Kinoko's mom asked again.

"Well no.."
She responded.

"Then it's settled. You will not cut your hair."
Gen crossed her arms. Her daughter jumped up and faced her.

"But mom!"

"No buts Kinoko."
The woman took her daughters hands within her own.
"You do not need to change your appearance just because a hero made a comment about it."

"The number 2 pro hero."
Kinoko huffed.

Gen let go of her daughters hands and shuffled to her desk, grabbing a few hair pins and ribbon.
"You are a beautiful young lady, and you do not need to change anything for anyone."

Kinoko's mother chucked as her warm smile lit up the room. She parted her daughter's bangs and clipped them to the side, giving access to Kinoko's eyes.

"In the mean time, you can wear your hair like this. I just don't want you to make decisions you will regr-"
Gen was cut off as her daughter leaped into her arms, hugging tightly.

"Thank you momma."
Kinoko's voice broke and she nuzzle her head into her mother's chest.

"I love you dear. And I will always be your biggest fan."
Her mother stroke her hair, holding her close, humming a lullaby as they swung side to side, in a unison motion.


The weekend passed as all weekends do. Komori looked up to the clouded sky, holding her books close to her chest. Today was a new day. A new start. And possibly a new chapter in her hero journey. She stepped into the familiar dormitory, taking off her jacket and laying her books on the table. Like usual, Kendo was first to greet her.

"Welcome back Komori! I'm guessing visiting home went well this week?"
The class rep asked, looking the shorter girl up and down.

"It was lovely. Momma actually baked some cookies for the class! Chocolate chip! My favourite-"

On cue, Pony Tsunotori dashed in, pushing Awase to the point where he fell on the floor.

"I heard cookies!! Give me damn cookies!!"
Pony cheered.  Yosetsu groaned and dusted his jeans off, mumbling curses at Pony, who had happily snatched the box of cookies and was munching on a few.

"Hey? Komori?"
He spoke. She turned around to face Awase.
"Did you change your hair or something?"
He asked.

"Hm? Oh yeah! It's just time to try new things!"
Kinoko beamed. The two stood in silence for a few seconds until Yosetsu spoke up.

"You look pretty."

~ADMIN NOTE! Wow! Over 200 views?? Thank you so much guys! Your support is keeping me motivated! I may start some drawings for each chapter, depending if I have time or not. But again, THANK YOUUUUUUU!! I finished this pretty late and the drawing is rushed ❤️~

 But again, THANK YOUUUUUUU!! I finished this pretty late and the drawing is rushed ❤️~

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With MUSH love, Kinoko Komori. (TEMPORARILY ON HOLD) Where stories live. Discover now