Harry x reader (special!)

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this is for Harry's birthday (May 9th)!!

(this was uploaded after his birthday bc i was busy!! sorry!! )


"Good morning, (y/n)!" 

Your boyfriend walked into the kitchen, giving you a quick peck on the cheek. You looked up from your cup of coffee, smiling at Harry. 

"Good morning, and happy birthday!" you said, taking another sip from your cup. You, too, gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. 

Smiling, he politely asked, "So, do you have anything planned for me?"

"Hmm, no, not that I can think of," you replied, walking to the sink to wash out your cup. 

His smile dimmed slightly. He sighed, and turned to walk to the fridge. 

"Oh, that's alright, I didn't want much today." You could hear the hurt in his voice as he pulled out the orange juice. 

Hearing him speak like that hurt you so much, you almost broke character. 

As much as you wanted to shower him with your love and affection for his birthday, you had to restrain yourself. You had planned a surprise party for later on today, and wanted to keep it as secret as you could. This included acting like his birthday wasn't a big deal. 

This part of your plan completely crushed you, but you knew it was vital. If you wanted to give him the best surprise, it had to be done. 

Later on, when he comes home from running errands, he will come back to a surprise party surrounded by his loved ones and friends. You asked Lawerence, Ethan, Zion, Eugene, Judy, Hailey, and Sue to help you set up before Harry came home from work. You also told them about your plan, because you knew one of them (Zion) would let the secret slip. They agreed, and would be over a little after 12, once Harry leaves. 

Though you were supposed to downplay his birthday, you couldn't have him heartbroken first thing in the morning. 

"Harry, would you like me to make you breakfast? It's really no trouble."

"Oh, you don't have to do that."

"No, you deserve it. Just wait, it won't take long," you interjected, already reaching for a pan to make him pancakes. Harry simply smiled, not wanting to try and change your already fixed mind. He took a seat on the couch, waiting for you to finish. 

Not too long later, you finished. You ended up making more than pancakes. You ended up cutting up some fruit into little hearts, bacon, and scrambled eggs. You called him into the kitchen and let him know his breakfast was ready. 

He came in and gasped a little, coming to wrap you into one of his signature warm hugs. 

"You know you didn't have to do all this for me."

"Why not?" you asked playfully shrugging. "You deserve it, just enjoy!"

You could see most of the previous hurt leave from his face as he grabbed his plate and walked to the table. You followed suit, sitting across from him. 

As much as you wanted to follow your plan, you just couldn't stand seeing him upset, especially on a day that was supposed to be special for him. You were sure making him breakfast could still let you follow your plan. 

After eating, you cleared the table and washed the dishes. Harry stood up and walked towards you, wrapping his arms around you. He sighed into the crook of your neck, silently giving his thanks to you. 

"I've got some errands to run today, so it might be a little until I come home," he announced to you, raising his head off your shoulder. 

You had already checked his schedule beforehand to see how much time you had to prep. You knew what time he had to leave and what time he should be back. 

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