jealous!Ethan x reader

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(sorry if he seems a little OOC! this is also like modern au ig but not in the apocalypse)



You held your phone in your hand as it rang, calling Ethan for the third consecutive time. Just like your previous attempts, the call went to voicemail. You groaned in frustration, dropping your phone to the bed. You laid back onto your pillow, and thought about what could've made Ethan ignore you. 

For the past couple days, Ethan has been avoiding you like the plague. If you had a class together, he would sit away from you, and rush out as soon as class was over. If you saw him towering over everyone in the crowd, you'd try to catch up to him, and tap him to get his attention. In response, he'd send you a cold glare and keep walking.

You tried and tried to rack your brain to see what could've upset him. Did you say something offhandedly rude? Did you do something? You just don't understand why your best friend would ghost you for no reason. Even if there was a reason, you'd wish he'd explain so you could try and salvage your friendship. 

You decided to continue to try and pry him for more information. You grabbed your phone and opened up your messages app. You pulled up his contact, typing out your message.

'Hey, Ethan, is something going on between us? If there is can we talk about it? Please?'

You hesitated to press send, rereading the text over and over. Will this even work? He sent your last calls to voicemail, so there's no doubt he'll just ignore your text. You sighed and reluctantly deleted the text. 

"Ethan, why are you doing this?" you asked, thinking out loud to yourself. 

You tried to think back to the day he first started ignoring you. 

(flashback start)

It was just a normal day at school, nothing special happened. You walked to class with Ethan, the last class of the day, and had a regular old conversation.

"I'm so tired! I'm glad this is the last class for today." You yawned, stretching your arms above your head. 

"Lucky," Ethan retorted sarcastically, "I have baseball practice."

"You always have baseball after school."

"I know but I just want to go home."

You laughed at his response, sitting down at your desk. Ethan took the seat next to you, immediately putting his head down. You shook your head at his antics, when you noticed an envelope sitting on your desk. 

You turned your head to it and picked it up. On the front, read your name, while the back was sealed with a heart sticker. Is this . . . a love letter? You quickly glanced at Ethan, making sure he wasn't watching. You quietly opened the letter and read it's inside contents. 

The paper inside had your normal confession and meeting after school request. You sighed, folding the paper back into its envelope. You slid the letter into a page of your notebook, not wanting to think about it now. You already decided to decline, so there was no need for any other thought. 

The last class, luckily, flew by, and it was finally home time. The bell rang as everyone got up to leave. Ethan was still sleep on his desk, being the heavy sleeper he is. You shook him awake, and gave him a smile as he looked up at you. 

"Ethan, sweetie, it's time to get up for baseball," you teased.

He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and yawned.

You stepped back to let him stand up from his desk, as he grabbed his bag from under the table. He followed you out the class, and stopped a couple steps from the door. You turned to him and gave him an encouraging smile. 

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