Eugene Birthday Special

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(in the apocalypse) NOT PROOFREAD
how he knows it's his birthday, idk just go with it
wc: 2.5k

You woke up to the sun gleaming through the slightly cracked window of your classroom. You sat up, stretching after sleeping on a makeshift bed on the hard floor. You sat on the thin pallet, still trying to accept the fact the world is in shambles.

You decided to finally get up and go to 1-C for breakfast and the morning meeting. Opening the door, you saw Eugene trying to run away from Zion, who was holding his hood.

"Don't run away now, 'Gene! You gotta get your birthday punches!"

"Cut it out! You punch too hard," Eugene screamed trying to wiggle out Zion's grip.

You laughed at their antics and walked over to them.

"What's going on, you guys?"

"Hey, (y/n). It's Eugene's birthday and he doesn't want to get his punches," Zion said, giving you a quick glance over his shoulder.

Your eyes widened at his statement. It was Eugene's birthday? You watched as Zion repeatedly gave Eugene quick jabs to the arm. The shorter boy's eyes were shut, wincing at every hit.

Once Zion was done, he let Eugene go.

"Happy birthday, kid!"

"Yeah whatever," Eugene mumbled, holding his arm.

Zion walked over to Lawrence for his share of breakfast. You walked up to Eugene with a big smile on your face. Eugene saw you walking up to him and quickly fixed his composure, wanting to look unbothered.

"I didn't know it was your birthday!"

"Yeah, I guess. It's not a big deal."

"Of course it's a big deal, this day doesn't always come around!"

He rolled his eyes, folding his arms over his chest. "Right now it's just another day to me. Besides, I never made that big of a deal of my birthday."

You remembered the state of the world and realized he was right. Though it's just another day of survival for him, you still wanted to at least make it a good day of survival for him.

Lawrence cleared his throat to grab everyone's attention. You forgot all about the morning meeting today. You glanced over to Eugene, who wore his normal annoyed face. At that moment, you realized you had to make his day good.

"Ok, guys," Lawrence started. "We're running low on food, so it's time to go back to town and try to find anything we can. Who wants to volunteer to go to town?"

Ethan nodded, giving a thumbs up. Sue raised her hand, Hailey sat next to her avoiding Lawrence's gaze. You raised your hand, wanting to take this as an opportunity to get something for Eugene. As soon as your hand was in the air, you heard a scoff behind you. You didn't need to turn around to know who it was.

"Oh, no. If they're going, count me out!"

You decided to just let Scarlett talk out of her neck, not wanting to ruin your attitude. You heard her chair scoot across the floor, incoherent mumbling,
and the door opening and closing.

Everyone but Jay ignored her dramatics. He took this as an opportunity to slip out, too.

"Anyways," Lawrence said, drawing everyone's attention back, "we only have 3 people so far. I can't go since Ethan is going, so who else wants to volunteer?"

Eugene let out a dramatically long sigh next to you. "Fine," he said with faux annoyance laced in his voice, "I guess I'll go, too."

Lawrence nodded at Eugene. "Alright, so Ethan, Eugene, Sue, and (y/n) are going. Everyone else, we'll do our morning patrols around the school."

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