Demons are mysterious beings that can blend into their surroundings and appear as regular humans. They are believed to reside in space and do not require sustenance like food, water, or air. The origin of demons and God Demons remains a mystery and...
Victory is sweet, but the journey to get there is what truly defines us. The battles we face and the obstacles we overcome mold us into the champions we were meant to be. In the end, it is not just the triumph, but the perseverance, determination, and unwavering spirit that make victory truly glorious.
The God Demon Powers shimmer in space, their spherical forms a tapestry of mystery. On their surface, patterns of three half-moons emerge, alight with hues that dance in celestial patterns. These carvings are no mere happenstance; the patterns mirror demons' emotions when they become God Demons, where red, blue, and green hues ignite the core feelings of anger, sadness, and fear.
In fleeting moments, these ancient stones reveal more. Five colors awaken, adding yellow and orange to the powers, indicating the emotions of love and joy respectively. Yet, legends whisper of those rare few who've unlocked a sixth half-moon, an elusive symbol hinting at a realm beyond comprehension.
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The island had regained a semblance of tranquility, its inhabitants receiving the requisite care. Kana and his companions were on the mend, their spirits lifted as they conversed in the open air. A lingering curiosity finally found a voice as Ether addressed Kana, "May I inquire about the hue of your eyes? Is it usual for humans to possess such yellow irises?"
Caught off guard, Kana faltered momentarily before beginning to explain, "M—My eyes... they underwent a transformation approximately a decade ago. The details are a mystery to me; I have yet to consult a medical professional. Others could not help."
"Ten years ago?" Ether's response brimmed with surprise. "So, your eyes changed color at the time of our initial meeting?"
"Indeed," Kana confirmed softly. "My eyes were originally pitch black. However, they unanticipatedly turned yellow. Following this shift, I've experienced intermittent headaches and abrupt fluctuations in strength. It's possible that this marks a form of mutation—an alteration in my DNA without any cause."
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"Should this be indeed a mutation, I've never before encountered such an occurrence. Is this knowledge confined solely to us?"
"Indeed, it is."
The night descended, enveloping the island in slumber. On a couch, Saito watched TV while eating, as Hasho and Ether still toiled within the laboratory. Abruptly, the door was kicked open, and Kana was jolted from his position. "W—Who is it?!" he exclaimed, his mouth still full.
Standing at the entrance was a tall figure in a white suit, with short black hair, brown eyes, pale skin, and elongated eyebrows. "Hey there!" he greeted energetically.
Kana's anxiety dissolved into relief as he recognized his friend, Amato. "What brought you here, Amato?" his tone held a trace of childlike wonder.
"Surprises are not your thing, huh?"
"You just startled me, that's all!"
Amato looked around, remarking, "Nice and tidy place you've got here!"
"Mind your business, please."
Ether emerged from the laboratory, visibly weary. "Well, well... Look who's graced us with his presence..."
"Pardon? What's that, you asshole? Do you want to get beat down?"
"What? A challenge? You want to throw hands?!" Ether's retort dripped with sarcasm.
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Saito's gaze shifted lazily from the couch. "Must you quarrel every time you cross paths? I'm growing rather tired of it... Fuck all of you," his voice held a quiet frustration as he slouched onto the couch. "My injuries are still healing."
Curious, Amato interjected, "Injuries? What happened?"
"A war with another island," Ether explained.
"I see..."
"What?! I assumed that was your reason for showing up!" Kana's outburst was reminiscent of a child's tantrum.
"Well, I wouldn't even have come if I knew," Amato replied with a laugh.
"Enough of this nonsense!" Kana cried out. "I need to rest. The two of you can argue anywhere. you wish."
"Sure thing. We'll leave you in peace." Amato shrugged, fixing his tie. "I don't want to make your ears hurt by making this lab rat cry."