New Forms and Abilities (Part 2)

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Disclaimer: This story isn't mine at all, it is originally Hans50's and Rick Riordan too.

Third Person's POV

He charged forward slamming the club down in the spot where Percy was just a second ago. Joe Bob looked around confused before he brought up his club in surprise at the unexpected attack from his right. How'd he move so fast? No demigod has ever displayed that much speed and agility before!

Joe Bob thought about it for a second when Percy was standing a little ways from him before he put the pieces together and he began to laugh.

"Oh, this is rich! The Olympians sent you down here didn't they? Oh, that is too funny! Now I get to feast on demigod flesh tonight! Baby Cakes is gonna love that!" Joe Bob managed to gasp out in between fits of laughter.

His laughter was cut off with a cry of pain when Percy had enough and surged forward and stabbed Riptide through his calf.

Joe Bob was beginning to panic a little as the blows from the angry demigod continued to rain down on him. He made the mistake of looking into the half-blood's eyes and what he saw scared him. His eyes darkened to a stormy green mixed with the ferocity of a look he had only seen on a hellhound.

Suddenly Percy put his sword away and looked at Joe Bob with a look that sent a shiver down his spine.

"Yes, you overgrown piece of Minotaur dung. The Olympians cast me down here because I was accused of working with Gaea. They thought I was too powerful and they betrayed me! Now I have a new trick I would like to show you Ugly. And trust me, you won't like it!" Percy spat out before a maniacal grin adorned his face.

Percy focused on the image of a hellhound in his mind before he felt the familiar changes spread throughout his body. Fur spread, muscles grew, bones shifted, and teeth and claws shot out of their sheaths. The pain that accompanied the change wasn't as bad as before. Soon the change was complete and a garbage truck-sized hellhound stood in the place of where the demigod once was.

Joe Bob now had a terrified look on his face as he saw his enemy shift and change into the massive monster that was now before him. Percy felt the monster's instincts in him fight for control but he was able to push them aside and assume complete control. A growl escaped his lips before he lunged and the scared giant.

In terror Joe Bob lashed out with his club, which slammed into the face of the hellhound, stunning it for a little bit before it looked back at the giant with anger in its eyes.

Letting out another howl Percy surged forward and bit down on the club with his jaws before yanking it out of the giant's hands and crushing into kindling between his teeth. He then ran forward and swiped his claws across the giant's chest, feeling his claws sink into the flesh. The giant yelled out in pain before he was silenced as Percy bit down on his neck and tore his throat out.

The giant dissolved into golden dust as Percy focused on his human form before he shifted back with some difficulty. Shifting back to human was like trying to swim through molasses and he should know, he tried it before. He guessed he needed some practice to make the transitions smoother.

The three piles of gold dust that was lying throughout camp suddenly rose from the ground as the inverted eye tattoo on his hands began to glow before they began to absorb half of each pile of dust, letting the rest dissipate in the wind.

Pain wracked his body as he felt the change began again but this one felt different than before. He felt himself grow taller, 7 feet, 8 feet, 11 feet before stopping at 12 feet. His muscles swelled even more than they already were. He felt hair grow on his chest arms, and legs, not like hellhound fur, but like an excess of body hair. The hair on his head grew longer and unruly as he felt his skin toughen and his finger and toenails crack and yellow. His teeth felt strange in his mouth as they grew bigger, some sharpening as they turned yellow. His breath smelled horrible, like a cross between rotten flesh and sulfur.

The pain passed and he stood up to examine his new body. He was now a Laestrygonian Giant, a huge one at that. He suddenly felt the desire to consume human flesh, to consume monster flesh, to consume anything living. Images surged into his head as the memories of the three giants he killed played in his mind. He quickly clamped down on those memories and instincts, having practiced with the hellhound instincts. One thing was clear; Laestrygonian instincts were less powerful than a hellhound's.

Why was he Laestrygonian Giant? He already turned into a hellhound, wasn't that enough? Maybe the curse forces him to change into any monster he slays. So whatever monster he kills, he absorbs their essence from the golden dust and he acquires a new monster form.

"Why am I so much taller than an average giant? "Percy wondered aloud. He was shocked at how deep his voice sounded, it was his but much much deeper. Was the reason why he was bigger than a normal giant was because he absorbed dust from three giants instead of one like the hellhound? It's as good a theory as any, thought in frustration.

Deciding to stay in his new monster form to get used to it and to make use of its strength, Percy rounded up all the supplies in the campsite and hauled them back to his cave. Turning back to his human form, he went over what he scored from the campsite. There was the tent he saw, some extra rope, the hellhound furs that would make a nice bed, the cannonballs, a few extra clubs some made from wood, some made from celestial bronze, some extra celestial bronze, a fire pit, some wood, some pairs of clothes he didn't even want to think about where they came from, and about five gallons of clean water, well as clean as it can get down here.

Looking over the supplies, Percy felt his situation was looking a lot better for the first time since he was cast down in this hellhole. He organized the weapons and essentials into a nice little pile by one of the cave walls. Pitching the tent and laying the furs out into a bed, Percy then went to the front of the cave to lay out the fire pit and get a fire started.

Once the fire was started, he sat in front of it to get some warmth back into his body as he felt the cold in the air, signaling it was now nighttime in Tartarus. He thought back to Joe Bob's remark about the Olympians casting him away. His thoughts began to wander to the gods and his former friends and he felt anger, resentment, and hatred well up within him. He hated the gods who betrayed him and how his father went along with them. Poseidon called him his favorite son, but apparently, that didn't last very long. Slowly the anger gave way to pain and hurt as silent tears traced down his cheeks.

Why did this have to happen? Now he was stuck down here, alone and abandoned, and with a curse that turns him into the very thing demigods despise. Tearing himself away from his thoughts, he put out his fire and walked back into the cave. Laying down on the bed made of furs, he fell into a deep fitful sleep.

Word Count: 1299 words


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